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Comment count is 23
Magical Man from Happy-Land - 2008-12-07

Full Board(?)
Bleeeeahhhhh ughh

Frank Rizzo - 2008-12-07

things we've now learned.

1) throwing glasses at a bullies face, followed by arm flailing will take out the bully.

2) wiggling around on the ground, yelling help is a good fighting tactic.

Camonk - 2008-12-08

Except instead of "help" you're supposed to shout "whoop" over and over.

thatonegirl - 2008-12-07

Who knew that spitting soda in someone's face would be a method of self-defense?

Helena Handbasket - 2008-12-07


phalsebob - 2008-12-08

It can if you spit acid. And you are a bouncer.

mr666 - 2008-12-08

You know, if they weren't going to kick your ass before, they certainly are once you spit soda in their face.

Mike Tyson?! - 2008-12-07

I want to fight these guys for money, I could use the cash.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2013-08-02

You wouldn't do it just to hear them exclaim Mike Tyson?! Wants to fight me for money?!

KnowFuture - 2008-12-07

"Attack From The Guard" move is courtesy of the Estate of Curly Howard.

I guess the Glasses Throw attack kind of makes sense since the bully is probably going to break your glasses anyway so you might as well get some surprise attack value out of 'em before that happens.

Also, "...kind of a jerk; kind of a little, short, punky..." ***PFFFFFFTTT***

chumbucket - 2008-12-07

don't you need breakdance music to successfully do the flailing legs while on the ground move?

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2008-12-07

"Ball flurry" did not disappoint

waxeater - 2008-12-07


Fedor better watch out.

baleen - 2008-12-07

and then you go like and then you like and then he's like waoaah and then you are all like ugggh gaaa and he goes stop please and then you go gaaaa

Cleaner82 - 2008-12-08

And then you stand up, because you have been making like you're riding a bicycle -- on his KNEES.

KnowFuture - 2008-12-08


imairlax - 2008-12-07

five stars for gun ownership!

athodyd - 2008-12-08

Reach me with that hand, reach me with that hand, reach me with that hand HE CAN NOT

Killer Joe - 2008-12-08

A bouncer once told me that the fingers to the throat thing hurt like a bitch.

lucienpsinger - 2008-12-08

I tried to find this on YouTube so I could add it to my favorites over there too, but if I can't find it by typing in "self defense moustache," then it ain't there.

Unsung - 2008-12-08

He choking, we get it. You don`t have to loop it a hundred fucking times.

Everything else was great though.

Son of Slam - 2008-12-08

"Choking the shit out of people" should be a tag.

Badassimo - 2008-12-09

It appears the best technique is to fight the incompetent. Also, nerds.

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