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Comment count is 9
Syd Midnight - 2008-12-07

At first it sounds like something any stoner could come up with. The difference being, Feynman would be right.

Smellvin - 2008-12-07

Well, if I remember correctly from "Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman," he did enjoy actually his marijuana.

Syd Midnight - 2008-12-07

Yeah, he loved it, also ketamine, but was too scared to do much of either in case it dulled his brain in any way. So he bought an isolation tank and spent a year learning to do in 8 hours what you normally do in 30 secs with drugs.

This was a man who loved figuring things out.

Cap'n Profan!ty - 2008-12-07

He's not really talking about photons. Just the EM spectrum and wave theory. Related, but different--photons have even more mind-bending properties that he'd have to invoke yet more stuff to get at.

Syd Midnight - 2008-12-07

Fair enough.. I'll change it to "light"

halon - 2008-12-07

I think it should be Feynman Week.

Enjoy - 2008-12-07

Isn't evolution amazing?

Syd Midnight - 2008-12-07

When you think of "amazing scientist" you always imagine a British or German accent.. it's fun hearing his commoner New York drawl.. da choppiness of da waves in da wahtah.

That guy - 2014-04-25

Even if I was going to 4 this, the noise at 5:45 pushes it up a star by itself.

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