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Comment count is 19
RoyCastle - 2008-12-10

This man has mastered the ancient art of red herring

MiAmore - 2008-12-10

If a presidential candidate is murdered and therefore is no longer eligible to be president, would you want to vote for someone who is capable of being murdered?

Camonk - 2008-12-10

I know it's been mentioned, but this guy is the most undeservedly smug guy in the world.

Chizmurder - 2008-12-10

How is this guy not dead? I wonder how many times his smug comments got him beat the hell down. Not enough times, that's for sure.

Maggot Brain - 2008-12-10

If I had a hammer...

voodoo_pork - 2008-12-10

I'd shoot this guy in the face.

gmol - 2008-12-10

You'd tape some explosives to it?

phalsebob - 2008-12-10

If he loses would you want a loser to win??

SolRo - 2008-12-10

Why would you want the guy that doesn't have stupid racists voting for him?!

chumbucket - 2008-12-10

my head hurt from his logic-twisting question but everything was suddenly all right when I saw that shit grin at the end

yeahjim - 2008-12-10

The official explanation of "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" should come with a link to this guy's videos.

kennydra - 2008-12-10


ow, my brain.

Poor Excuse - 2008-12-10

I would like to see a video of Kiefer Sutherland severely beating this man.
It would be a trip out on many levels.

charmlessman - 2008-12-10

I love the "I Just Blew Your Mind" head shake at the end.

boner - 2008-12-10

Is he in a spaceship orbiting the Moon or something? Presumably it's the best way to avoid human contact

Binro the Heretic - 2008-12-10

Wow...I didn't think there was anything flimsier than a straw man.

Ageusiatic - 2008-12-10

If John McCain had been elected, then died in office from cancer, wouldn't that make him a victim of cancer?

sliggy - 2008-12-10

You guys don't understand. This dude is my cousin Mike's brain-damaged albino doppelganger. It creeps me out to see a smile that is charming on him be so sickeningly shit-eating on somebody else.

oogaBooga - 2008-12-11

He is impervious to logic. Don't even bother.

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