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Comment count is 19
chumbucket - 2008-12-12

seeing is the experience of public display, going the extra step to photograph it then turns that into a private sick obsession...this is something he clearly does not understand nor has any will to do so

coprolalia - 2008-12-12

He gets it, he's just full of shit.

borderraven - 2008-12-13

So, you feel the Bill of Rights should be abilished, how long have you felt that way? You say it is ok to walk the city streets, see what people are doing, but you object to recording in photo or video what you see. Tell me do you watch the news? Do you own a camera?

coprolalia - 2008-12-12

The 'sick fuck' tag isn't linked yet?

I have no standard by which to rate this. Blugh.

RocketBlender - 2008-12-12

That was my biggest surprise too.

TeenerTot - 2008-12-12

Stars for whoever the guy is confronting him.

Toenails - 2008-12-12

That is "nauiocelotl", a you-tube poster that I actually respect.
The fat pig "borderraven" is one of those guys that "patrol" the border and hates illegal immigrants (just Mexicans really), his videos are usually mexican teenagers or some other nonsense.

waxeater - 2008-12-12

And, if I'm not mistaken, "nauiocelotl" has shown up to immigration rallies before and gotten in peoples' faces. I think he's been featured on POETV before.

fluffy - 2008-12-12

So did the pedo change the name of his video or was he just making shit up to get the questioner off his back?

borderraven - 2008-12-13

go to youtube.com/borderraven all videos are shot in public. I did not walk the beach stalking people. I sat on a bench most of the time.

baleen - 2008-12-12

He almost said "If I had a teenage daughter-- OH GOD IF I HAD A TEENAGE DAUGHTER MMM MMM MM"

Cleaner82 - 2008-12-12

"If I had a teenage daughter I'd never let her out of the house --"


"... in a bikini, yes. Never let her out of the house in a bikini."

borderraven - 2008-12-13

Well, had she lived she'd be a 23 yo Ameraisan woman today. Hpefully, she would have looked like her mother.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-12-12

"you said they're hot and sexy..."
"...I never said that, its girl in huntington beach"
"oh... ok nm thanks for your time.... time to fee"

gold right there.

Testicles of Doom - 2008-12-13

I like the idea of Youtube presonalities despising each other enough to keep an eye out and confront each other on the streets and debate for our amusement.

borderraven - 2008-12-13

BTW -- Naui, is my pet. He loves to lick at my ass crack. Poor bitch is upset the borders are being patrolled and the wall is being built to kill more idiots dumb enough to cross the desert in July, and illiterate as fuck, since they can't read. Naui, says he ain't Mexican, he calls himself Mexica. Look up Mexica-Movement, or Aztlan, Reconquista, that's his game.

poorwill - 2010-03-24

Burn in hell, pedophile.

dbtng - 2011-04-04


dbtng - 2011-04-04

Reply fail. Those were for poorwill.

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