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Desc:He just dosen't care, and he probably makes a lot more money than you.
Category:Accidents & Explosions, Business
Tags:UPS package delivery, home security, He just dosent care
Submitted:Jimmy The Headless Frog Boy
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Comment count is 12
Longshot- - 2009-01-01

Hand to surface, jerk.

mountain dew insimination - 2009-01-01

Fuck this

DMKA - 2009-01-01

What's the big deal? This is normal. Sure it was pretty lazy and unnecessary to do it like that, but those packages get thrown around all the time. That's why shit is packed in styrofoam.

Frank Rizzo - 2009-01-01


chumbucket - 2009-01-01

he didn't wave his hands in the air

dementomstie - 2009-01-01

maybe that means, that even though he doesn't show it, deep down in his heart of hearts, he does care, just a little.

kiint - 2009-01-01

lets see him chuck a 60" plasma around like that without getting ahernia

The Faghorn - 2009-01-01

Making more money than me? Does POETV cater exclusively to hobos eating shoe leather or something that a UPS retard is considered part of the monied elite?

Johnny Roastbeef - 2009-01-02

Average wage for a driver is around an hour according to UPS's site, which translates to about k/year, in addition to health benefits.

It may not be "monied elite" but it's really not that bad.

bopeton - 2009-01-02

It's not really close to what I make, but that is pretty decent money for driving around throwing boxes at peoples' porches.

bang to buck ratio - 2009-01-01

This is much better if you imagine the guy who appears in the right-hand corner was just standing around his front yard when suddenly the UPS guy rolled up and furiously hurled a box at him.

UnderANeonHalo - 2009-01-02

Needs a FedEx logo at the end

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