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Comment count is 14
Afgh - 2006-07-17

OH HELL YES. I love this movie so damn hard, and this is the best scene.

love - 2006-07-17

only four stars because it needs more erin grey, but awesome.

Cheese - 2006-07-17

You could fill this site with Buck Rogers clips and no one would complain.

oddeye - 2006-07-17


HURF BLURF DUH - 2006-07-17

Oh god no, I had mercifully forgotten about all this, why must you remind me?

Xiphias - 2006-07-17

it is actually kind of disgusting!

Miskimo - 2006-07-17

It does frighten me.

Jacques Strap - 2006-07-17

Damn I didn't know Buck was an Atreides

stanleypain - 2006-07-18

Even in the 25th century there will still be 808s.

murph the surf - 2007-02-12

This is what Gil Gerard was remembered for? Disgusting! Also: Mel Blank?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-03-07

This is what The Star Wars Holiday Special aspired to be.

Meatsack Jones - 2007-03-21

Buck was down with his bad self in a way future prudes could never understand.

KnowFuture - 2007-04-10

Back in 1979 people were so coked up they didn't know the difference between rock music and this.

blackbetta - 2007-05-13

That chick with horns has to be like 55 now. Tweaky earns this 5 stars.

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