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Comment count is 11
thebaronsdoctor - 2009-01-18

Their tissues are made of paper. That's why they burn...LIKE PAPER!

Lindner - 2009-01-19

Do I look like a beautiful woman, Tommy?

BornAgainCannibal - 2009-01-19

You fuckers and your spoilers.

HankFinch - 2009-01-18

This beautiful Zeton Woman is 80% recycled paper.

Xenocide - 2009-01-18

Harlock had that room set up special so the air vents and lights would create an impressive silhouette-with-cape-blowing-in-the-wind effect. It's how he seduces all his beautiful paper ladies.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-01-18

No matter where Harlock goes, there's always a gust of wind nearby willing to help him out. To wind, blowing through that cape is like a kind of wind orgasm.

robotkarateman - 2009-01-19

This dub is pure awesomeness. I haven't seen it in years, but I remember one scene where a figure teleports onto the bridge of the ship and one of the peons yells, "Captain! There's a person on the bridge!" and Harlock replies, "That's not a person, IT'S A WOMAN!"

StanleyPain - 2009-01-19

...and there is no answer.

baleen - 2009-01-19


MrBuddy - 2009-01-19

Yeah even though everyone looks emo the music is really groovy.

KillerGazebo - 2010-04-24

Do I look like a beautiful woman, Tommy?
... Fu

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