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Comment count is 5
Wytze! - 2009-01-26

Why aren't the Tanuki's wearing pants?

Lurchi - 2009-01-26

Huh, I didn't know baseball was big in pre-war Japan.

socialist_hentai - 2009-01-26

This brightens up my days.

B. Weed - 2009-01-26

The narration sounds modern. Was the soundtrack lost? (Or was it a silent cartoon?)

kamlem - 2009-01-26

"The silent era of Japanese cinema featured one major distinction from that one the West: the addition of the benshi, a narrator and actor who added a significant live-performance component to the movies beyond just the music. As a result, the silent era lasted longer in Japan than in the West�so even though Oira no Yakyu came out two years into the sound era, it still has the look and feel of a silent movie, and features benshi narration."

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