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Comment count is 26
Ursa_minor - 2009-01-27

For shizzle dog.

erection reset by queer - 2009-01-27

This is the 7th Air Bud movie. Santa Buddies is coming out in 2010.

I'll give you all a moment to digest that.

Ursa_minor - 2009-01-27

time for Con-Air Bud

garcet71283 - 2009-01-27

When the hell did Air Bud start talking?!?!?!?

GoodAaron - 2009-01-27

My friend works for Disney and has to make the trailers for these movies. I guess they're all written and directed by the same guy who is personal friends with the president of Disney Home Entertainment, and they just keep producing them because they cost about 0 to make each and always turn a profit on DVD sales. It makes basic fiscal sense to just let this guy keep making them.

fermun - 2010-01-03

This is actually the 9th.

The movies have been Air Bud, Air Bud: Golden Receiver, Air Bud: World pup, Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch, Air Bud: Spikes Back, Air Bud: Aussie Rules, Air Buddies, Snow Buddies, Space Buddies, and it is out now for Christmas 2009 Santa Buddies: The Legend of Santapaws.

There is supposed to be another one for Halloween.

CaptainJesusHood - 2009-01-27

Fuck a Air Bud. "Miracle Dogs." The worst dog movie ever. At least this shit would be entertaining. (and still 5 stars for irish football puppies in space)

spencer - 2009-01-27

They always try to trick you into thinking its not going to be about talking dogs.

Sudan no1 - 2009-01-27

wow, that bull terrier really looks like a Russian.

Xenocide - 2009-01-27

So that's what became of Spuds Mckenzie.

Fur is Murder - 2009-01-27

On that note, I think the dog's name might actually be Spudnik.

sosage - 2009-01-27

I imagine the dogs being cattle prod'd by a grip off screen for the shots where their mouths move.

Billy the Poet - 2009-01-27

The last time we tried a rescue this far out, we lost both ships.

big pincers - 2009-01-27

these stars are for you!

oddeye - 2009-01-27

hell fucking YEAH

Where we're going, we won't need eyes to see.

The Mothership - 2014-08-03


Fur is Murder - 2009-01-27

Hey so when do we get to see the puppies suffocate and freeze when life support runs out? You know, like Laika and all the other dogs we shot up there?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-01-27

"I'm cold...hey why are you guys playing dead? Guys??"

Gwago - 2009-01-27

Hey, straight to DVD, imagine that.

Nikon - 2009-01-27

The star says it all.

oddeye - 2009-01-27

It says more about your lust for licking hobo pee-holes then it does about this movie.

Rudy - 2009-01-27

If only there was somewhere for them to stay when they came back to earth. Too bad a hotel that admits dogs as clientelle is a completely ludicrous notion...

TeenerTot - 2009-01-27

Obligatory fart joke.

joelkazoo - 2011-04-11

Yes, a very classy way to end a trailer, indeed!

Chancho - 2009-01-27

Better than Star Wars

StanleyPain - 2009-01-27

Oh jesus, and when these come out, believe me people go fucking CRAZY for them, which is as big an indictment of American culture as I can think of. When Air Buddies originally came out, the store where I work ran out of the first shipment and we practically had riots on the weekend from all the kids and parents who couldn't nab a copy. Fuck.

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