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Comment count is 28
Nikon - 2009-01-30

This game looks like it could be fun in a "Zero from Megaman X" kind of way.

fetuschrist - 2009-01-30

i'm playing this right now. it's pretty much as cool as you'd think.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-01-30

My first impression after 0:55 was "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!"

Thanks to you, that has been changed to "WHERE THE FUCK IS THIS?!" By which I mean, provide us all with a link, or we will shank you.

Keefu - 2009-01-30



fetuschrist - 2009-01-30

here, let me google that for you:


fatatty - 2009-01-30

5 stars for let me google that for you.

Game looks sweet too.

chairsforcheap - 2009-01-30

best zelda in years

Keefu - 2009-01-30

Purple hair from LTTP?

Looks fun.

Hooper_X - 2009-01-30

This looks far better than the real Zelda games.

HURF BLURF DUH - 2009-01-30

Those octopus thingies look like they came right out of Pirate Baby Cabana Battle. This is a good thing, needless to say.

Wytze! - 2009-02-01

They're called Octorocks STUPID!

Louis Armstrong - 2009-01-30

The "dark link" was cool to fight.

Also "Now go play the real games" at the end was a nice touch

fatatty - 2009-01-30

How the hell do you beat him?

Louis Armstrong - 2009-01-30

Read the controls, figure it out. This is the Portal of Evil, not Nintendo Power

DrVital - 2009-01-30

Yet, I'm still giving you a NEStor award for that comment.

StanleyPain - 2009-01-30

PROTIP: To defeat Evil Link, try to slash him with your sword until he dies.

Louis Armstrong - 2009-01-30

He lies, hit the three switches with your gun to make lava fall on him, ala Quake

fatatty - 2009-01-30

You guys suck.

Camonk - 2009-01-30

I actually expected to be completely bored by this concept. This is because I hate both Zelda and sidescrollers (I know, I know, I'm a soulless robot for not liking the same moronic shit that you like solely out of a misplaced nostalgia). Instead this is looks badASSSSSS. So basically what I am saying is that there is no good reason not to want to play this.

Camonk - 2009-01-30

That wasn't meant to be a reply, but this was: no, the comment about playing the real games was stupid, because the real Zelda games are awful.

Keefu - 2009-01-30

You've been really riding this "old games suck" thing hard, dude.

Unsung - 2009-01-30

Bob's Game has some serious competition!

Dr. Venkman - 2009-02-02

hell it could be something like hello kitty's butt fuck retreat: the game, and it would still be more serious competition to bob's game.

that said this game makes smile inside will riding a christmass tree with rootbeer on the inside. 5 stars for asskickery.

cognitivedissonance - 2009-01-30

Lighting torches to open a door and double jumping with a chicken are my favorite Zelda things to do.

thebaronsdoctor - 2009-01-30

This actually looks really awesome

Rape Van Winkle - 2009-01-30

What about the chicken he left behind?

Prickly Pete - 2009-02-02

These stars aren't for the video, but for the game, which is totally awesome. Commission this guy to make a super long Wii Ware version, yes?

p.s., go to his website for some nice and creepy anime "artwork"...

GlennFinito - 2009-02-10


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