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Comment count is 13
Caminante Nocturno - 2009-01-31

This movie was terrible.

garcet71283 - 2009-01-31


Quad9Damage - 2009-01-31

The episode is hilarious, but the movie is so horrible that every repeat viewing is more depressing.

Keefu - 2009-01-31

Jean Paul Sartre and the Heartbreakers

Ranma X. - 2009-01-31

Oh that Basque separatist rock.

garcet71283 - 2009-01-31

The Club Scum M.C. is one of the busiest voice actors around and has been in many of the more successful modern cartoons.

On a nerd note, I was amazed when I found out he played Vincent in the Cowboy Bebop movie.

robotkarateman - 2009-01-31

On an even nerdier note, he's married to the voice actress who does the English voice of Motoko Kusanagi for the "Ghost in the Shell" animes.

asian hick - 2009-01-31

I always knew the intersection of the MST3K and anime fandoms would be a magical place.

Busby Berkeley - 2009-08-24

He was also the lovably scummy lawyer who worked with Keith Mars a lot on Veronica Mars.

themilkshark - 2009-01-31

I loved this episode of MST3K, and I thought the song was pretty cool actually.

oddeye - 2009-01-31

I agree, the phone-sex addict was a master touch

Rudy - 2009-01-31

Pig Liquor

Spit Spingola - 2014-11-25

For some reason I missed this being uploaded. Named myself after the lead singer of this band way back in '99 on Portal Of Evil.

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