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Desc:The old link's down, here it is again. (Really starts to get dirty @ 2:22)
Category:News & Politics, Classic TV Clips
Tags:9/11, fox news, bill clinton, Bin Laden, Devastating verbal smackdown
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Comment count is 19
schwaeg87 - 2009-02-01

I was going to five star it because any sort of legitimate ripping into fox news deserves it but minus one for the last slide.

Cleaner82 - 2009-02-02

Heroic bloodshed.

Dib - 2009-02-02

This was just as worth watching this time as the last. I'm not the biggest fan of Clinton, but bravo.

Cleaner82 - 2009-02-02

Don't think of this nessecarily as right and wrong. Think of this as King Bullshit obliterating Peon Turd.

snothouse - 2009-02-02

Five stars for that "lean in" Clinton does. Working under him must have been TERRIFYING.

Dr. Venkman - 2009-02-02

personally i love when he just leans back, all casual resting his head in his hand. followed by a smirk that just shows he's aching for wallace to let him continue the social engineering of his ass.

Magical Man from Happy-Land - 2009-02-02

Needs "Devastating verbal smackdown" tag

Clinton had that hack squirming around like a helpless infant. All that fucking dope could do was scoff or laugh, because he knew deep down that Clinton speaks truth.

libby1217 - 2009-02-02

i love 4:37 and i wish he were president for the rest of my life, and the rest of my sons life and my nieces and nephews and cousins and so on...he "leans in" takes it on....the best president we ever had in my opinion!!!

GiantAtomicFreak - 2009-02-02

Wow, no wonder that fat girl blew this guy.

joelkazoo - 2009-02-02

5 stars for that comment!

Gwago - 2009-02-02

"When we get back, we finally return to Clinton tearing me a new asshole."

Seriously, five stars for this guy. Damn.

rustedmutt - 2009-02-02

I can't stomach watching Fox News, so I'm curious--was this run in prime time? Did any decent number of blubbering mouthbreathing Fox fans actually watch this? If they did, did they absorb any of the points Clinton made?

Sigh. Screw it, I need a beer.

Chet - 2009-02-02

This is what the update dead link is for....

joelkazoo - 2009-02-02

My bad.

Leviathant - 2009-02-02

That was worth watching again, entirely.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-02-03

Clinton pays for OBL's dialysis machine. Because he hates America. I read it in Drudge Report so it must be true.

Pie Boy - 2009-07-03

clinton comes across as kind of a crazy bitch
i guess this is still pretty gratifying but he comes across as kind of a crazy bitch

joelkazoo - 2009-07-23

Dammit, he may be a crazy bitch, but he's *MY* crazy bitch!

Candlejackv616 - 2009-11-23

Always five stars for slick willy running his mouth.

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