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Comment count is 13
Hooper_X - 2009-02-04


Quad9Damage - 2009-02-04

Dog catcher.

Aelric - 2009-02-04

You know, I rather liked the clerks cartoon. I thought Smith was much better suited for this than that sappy movies he pumped out after the original clerks.

Quad9Damage - 2009-02-04

Yeah, pity there were only 6 episodes. And only 2(?) were broadcast. And ABC aired them in the wrong order so that the clip show made no sense.

dancingshadow - 2009-02-04

I liked how episode 2 was their flashback episode.

Maggot Brain - 2009-02-04

They knew it wasn't going to last long.

yeahjim - 2009-02-04


fatatty - 2009-02-04

I hope you're not taking off stars for that.

Xenocide - 2009-02-04

-1 for not including the speech at the end where the Lesbians band together and proclaim Randall "The One."

The McK - 2009-02-04

"Go spread your message of male worthlessness and female empowerment across the globe."
"Farewell, lesbians!"

This is the best thing Kevin Smith's ever done.

mashedtater - 2009-02-05

I totally agree. I wish the creators of this video HAD added that bit. I was the mere messenger.

Sean Robinson - 2009-02-04

Holy fuck does this ever suck.

stage - 2009-02-04

its shit!

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