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Comment count is 20
Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-02-04

Russian Yorkie!

Hooper_X - 2009-02-04

Casual sexism?

zatojones - 2009-02-04

Russians are not casual about sexism. They take that shit seriously and apply themselves constantly.

Also I bet that chocolate is incredibly bitter.

Lauritz Melchior - 2009-02-04

I've actually had some of the chocolate. It's quite sweet. I brought two bars back from Russia and my teacher translated the back for the class. I don't remember it verbatim, but the basic idea was that the chocolate had such a high fat content that it was too intense for women to handle.

I also brought back a candy bar called "Nuts", which I still have in my freezer.

wtf japan - 2009-02-04

That IS a manly chocolate bar.

bongoprophet - 2009-02-04

ahh Nestl�!

Melamine milk and expired food just wasn't enough for you, was it?

Meerkat - 2009-02-04

Prostalas Nipple up Lau!

chumbucket - 2009-02-04

Chernobyl residual chocolate ----> re-marketed as "For Men"

Camonk - 2009-02-04

The fifth tag should be "Girl is too cute to be Russian" or maybe "not hairy enough to be Russian" because of stereotypes

Lurchi - 2009-02-04


FABIO2 - 2009-02-04

All russian women are hot until the age of 29 where they spontaneously transform into babushka hags.

zatojones - 2009-02-04

Camonk where exactly did you learn your stereotypes? You need to get your money back.

Camonk - 2009-02-04

From you, okay?! I learned it by watching you!

La Loco - 2009-02-04

Camonk, where do you think the girls in your porn collection came from?

Gamara II - 2009-02-04

FABIO, do you post on "The Exiled" or just plagiarize from there?

http://exiledonline.com/park-your-ship-here-ukrainian-calendar -girls/#comments

"...Until the age of 28 where they immediately transform into babooshka hags." -Yakov

Goethe and ernie - 2009-02-04

Well, they DO tend to turn into Babushka hags before they're 30.

Gamara II - 2009-02-04

Oh yeah, I'm totally in agreement on that! I was just like "whoa, I read that exact phrasing somewhere a few days ago," and remembered it was on The Exile. Weird.

Nature is a cruel trickster.

fatatty - 2009-02-04

So wait was he going to beat her for being a dumbass until the chocolate soothed his savage heart?

socialist_hentai - 2009-02-04

no, the chocolate just made him reconsider the effectiveness of the beating, after all her driving would never improve no matter how much he'd bash her head into the wheel.

Senator_Unger - 2009-02-04

*insert "In Soviet Russia" joke here*

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