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Comment count is 10
zatojones - 2009-02-07

Warriors, come out of sync!

Xiphias - 2009-02-07

You know, it's not really any less creepy when played forwards. I'm kind of a bad person for never seeing this movie, aren't I?

Merzbau - 2009-02-07

This is a matter of some contention among philosophers, ethicists, and theologians, but basically yeah.

StanleyPain - 2009-02-07

It's overrated. It's a good, fun movie, but way overrated. If you can, try and watch the original version, not the director's cut, which made some really bad decisions on how to change the presentation.

RockBolt - 2009-02-07

See it then play the game too, it adds a surprising amount to the narrative

King of Balls - 2009-02-08

The game was great.

UnderANeonHalo - 2009-02-07

You couldn't find a version that was in sync?

Cube - 2009-02-07

So this is where Puff Daddy got this intro from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XcQYDSEuKQ

Samisyosam - 2009-02-07

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UnderANeonHalo - 2009-02-07


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