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Comment count is 22
La Loco - 2009-02-10

Jeffree Star is awesome!

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-02-10


positively - 2009-02-10

If I was a woman I'd be just as offended by him as black people are by minstrel shows,

Species - 2009-02-10

i like his makeup, but than again i love gays in drag.

Monchiles Monchiles - 2009-02-10

That was the gayest thing I saw this week and I watched Spiderman 3 yesterday. Zing!

Poor Excuse - 2009-02-10

Please god, let there be no possible way that the other one is a man. I have all sorts of boners for her.

Bored - 2009-02-10

You must have some sort of disease of the eyes sir.

Chancho - 2009-02-10

You have a touch of the gay

Ghoul - 2009-02-11

Beware the fag hag, Poor Excuse. Dating a fag hag will inevitably lead to watching Gossip Girl in silence on the couch while the hag and her fag laugh it up and whisper secrets to each other ALL. NIGHT. LONG.

Also, Jeffree Star's hag has a bad case of Fatty Arm Syndrome. FAS is usually a good indicator of what the rest of her body is gonna look like. Hint: Fat.

dichotic1 - 2009-02-10

I'm gonna give you a fucking disease skavian -- a big man-shot right in your eyes.

Millard - 2009-02-10

If anyone still thinks trannies are "nightmare fuel" then you haven't been looking at Japanese porn lately.

fetuschrist - 2009-02-10

whatever makes you happy.

Pillager - 2009-02-10

Is that the younger brother of the leave 'Brittany alone!!' guy?

Merzbau - 2009-02-10

This guy actually has a record contract. I see his dogshit singles on the front page of iTunes' dance section occasionally when I'm checking for new stuff. It sounds exactly like you think it does.

Hooper_X - 2009-02-10

Fuck Jeff Star and the horse he rode in on.

blood_visions - 2009-02-10

no more of this shit

Frank Rizzo - 2009-02-10


Syd Midnight - 2009-02-10

I'd hit it.

Ghoul - 2009-02-10

Meh. Linetrap is hotter and doesn't have the man voice.

UnderANeonHalo - 2009-02-10

I found that amusing.

Bone_Vulture - 2009-02-11

Can't say no to shemales, that's how I'm weak.

zatojones - 2009-02-11

Jeffree Star is only scary if boring internet attention whores are scary, which they aren't

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