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Comment count is 14
heyitslozeau - 2009-02-21

that's a Ron Paul vote right there.

Helena Handbasket - 2009-02-21

Ahem, Freeman is from Sarasota.

Just throwing that out there.

Stopheles - 2009-02-21

Waiting to give my stars until I find out THE TRUTH about what the cop said was "right down the street".

Yay for Poe-Red exhibits on Youtube - it's been a while.

Aelric - 2009-02-21

"California laughed! Worst fire season ever!"

Is that a confession, sir?

chumbucket - 2009-02-21

10% of Sarasota, 50% of California and 70% of local pharmacies

TheDevilsDictionary - 2009-02-21

Website is great.

Hay Belly - 2009-02-21

King's reply to him is also great. Find it and read it.

Severian - 2009-02-21

"The county is having a meeting right down the street."

simon666 - 2009-02-21

This guy used to live in Monterey, CA out of his old Chevy van, which he had covered with his arguments, sorry PROOF, that Stephen King killed John Lennon. Sometimes he would call talk radio stations, and other times he would eat at Taco Bell.

Hooper_X - 2009-02-21

Holy shit, his website is a cavalcade of amazing.

FABIO - 2009-02-21


CuteLucca - 2009-02-21

This man's van drives around Bangor Maine (where King lives) regularly. It's covered with stickers advertising the website.

DrVital - 2009-02-22

He used to be in San Francisco in the 90s. I never wondered what happened to him, but here it is.

kingofthenothing - 2009-10-31

I just want the 'STEPHEN KING PULLED THE TRIGGER' t-shirt.

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