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Comment count is 15
Samisyosam - 2009-02-20

Five minutes in, the armor fails and a hole in the mask has formed. He refuses to lower the mask and call off the test because of his stubborn pride. Eventually at around the 8-minute mark the blowtorch has burned a way into his prefrontal cortex and liquified the brain matter. He couldn't remove the mask even if he wanted to. A real shame because even at 5 minutes his invention had potential.

boba. - 2009-02-20

are you like on troy's personal email list? you posted this after only a few youtube views on the day it came out

GoodAaron - 2009-02-20

He's probably just subscribed to his YouTube channel. They can do that, now.

boba. - 2009-02-20

ok i'm a dumbass.

it still would be cooler if he were on his personal email list though.

boner - 2009-02-20

There are certain YouTube crazies I check on a regular basis. I don't post them all here. One of them is a guy in a cowboy hat who thinks he invented all kinds of scientific sounding things to do with brain waves.

Camonk - 2009-10-31

Why aren't you posting that guy? He sounds GREAT.

Frank Rizzo - 2009-02-20


bopeton - 2009-02-20


fermun - 2009-02-20

You know there has to be a point where holding a ceramic mask in front of your face while someone hits it with a blowtorch becomes boring. I wonder how long it takes. I bet it is somewhere around 30 seconds you stop thinking about the blowtorch inches from your face and start thinking about the chores you need to get done.

UnderANeonHalo - 2009-02-20

tragic genius.

La Loco - 2009-02-20

Five stars for being totally stupid, useless, waste of time, go kill yourself, too bad no one got hurt.

dancingshadow - 2009-02-20

You'll regret those comments when the fire grizzlies come flame-maul you.

B. Weed - 2009-02-20

Should this perhaps have the SFW fetish tag?

chumbucket - 2009-02-20

be sure to bring the kids over to watch troy getting his face melted off

mouser - 2009-02-20

His face could very well be the next re-entry vehicle.

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