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Comment count is 15
HURF BLURF DUH - 2009-02-27

Far more awesome than compacting a used car into a little cube

socialist_hentai - 2009-02-27

somewhere there is guy with an engineering degree masturbating furiously to this.

Millard - 2009-02-27


Honkykong - 2009-02-27

Well, I know what I'm going to be humming for the next week.

Syd Midnight - 2009-02-27

That was incredibly satisfying

Stog - 2009-02-27

They are trying to scare the other cars by doing this right in front of them.

robotkarateman - 2009-02-27

So that was Mrs. Lundegaard on the floor in there, and I guess that was your accomplice' Daytona in the wood chipper.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2010-01-28

They're eating her... And then they're going to eat me! OHHH MYYYYY GOOOOOOOD!

Ursa_minor - 2009-02-27

Why is there a really nice camera on a boom in the way, and we don't get to look through it?

Dicknuts - 2009-02-27

Are these the things Saddam would drop people in feet first?

mouser - 2009-02-27

That blender is starting to look pretty sissy by now aint it?

Desidiosus - 2009-02-27

Stupid dumbass crane operator! You don't gently lower the car in, you're supposed to DROP the thing and see how high it bounces!

Frank Rizzo - 2009-02-27

blarg im dying!

Lauritz Melchior - 2009-02-27

Imagine what that thing would do to my Hot-Wheel!

Son of Slam - 2009-02-28

What I want to see is something like a car being shredded in one of the big shredders first; then the debris goes into a smaller one, and from there into a smaller one.. finally the small chunks go into a blend-tech. I want a car turned into powder.

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