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Comment count is 17
Hooper_X - 2009-02-28

Needs the "How to" tag.

Knuckles - 2009-02-28

One day in 11th grade, my chem teacher left the room to attend to an errand. He kept a pretty strong horseshoe magnet on his desk that I sometimes liked to fiddle with. This was one of those times.

My friend challenged me to slide the magnet across the teacher's computer's screen. Being the moron I am, I did it without really thinking about it. It left a huge purple streak on the screen.

My friend started with the whole "oh SHIT dude you ruined the teacher's screen! What are you gonna do???"

I looked around unsure, then ran the magnet back across the screen in the opposite direction. Miraculously, it fixed the screen completely. I don't know how impossibly unlikely such a thing was, but I imagine I must have moved it back across at the EXACT angle and position I moved it the first time. My friend never got over how incredibly lucky I was that day.

themilkshark - 2009-03-01

I lol'd

baleen - 2009-03-01

You degaussed the monitor with a lucky swipe. It would have fixed itself after a 10-15 cold powerups since color monitors built in the past 20 years have degauss coils built inside them. This is what you are doing when you hit the degauss button under your monitor.

mouser - 2009-02-28

Not irreparable dammage. Some monitors have a degauss function that will clear most of that.

kennydra - 2009-03-01

yup, monitor i had as a young teenager had the degauss feature, i had no idea what it was for at first but i'd randomly use it because it would make the screen "shake" and i thought it was cool.

CornOnTheCabre - 2009-03-01

same here. i used to do it all the time in the school labs because it shook the screens of all the computers around you if you let it magnetize long enough ( which I never would, because I would do it compulsively as soon as the computer came on)

BiggerJ - 2009-03-01

Tape the top of a strip of aluminium to the side of your monitor, letting the strip dangle freefly down the side. Degauss and watch closely.

Urist - 2009-03-01

Most if not all monitors have them built in, they only use them when the screen is first turned on (you can hear them when you power it on). Sometimes they give you a button for them but usually its automatic.

They don't work very well though, and you still need an external coil to fix the major problems.

Old_Zircon - 2009-02-28

I used to do this all the time as a kid, never caused any harm

Desidiosus - 2009-03-01

The colors, the colors!

thebaronsdoctor - 2009-03-01

Ooo, pretty lights.

Cube - 2009-03-01

Is that some sort of disco-magnet? My magnets made just a cyan/purple blotch.. Including speakers, that were too close to the screen.

theSnake - 2009-03-01

Turns it into a Lite Brite

bongoprophet - 2009-03-01

you're all geeks

Nikon - 2011-06-26

'But I don't want to go among mad people,' said Alice. 'Oh, you can't help that,' said the cat. 'We're all mad here.'

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-03-01

Now you've done it, young man.

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