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Comment count is 18
Cube - 2009-03-03

I can't believe no one ate that!

oddeye - 2009-03-03

This is supposedly fairly popular. Next time I am looking for some spare cash to buy some hookers in Japan I am going to be stealing everyone of these fucking cameras.

Chibisuke - 2009-03-03

This is great.

facek - 2009-03-03

Why did no one wave? I would be chimpin out in that camera lens.

wtf japan - 2009-03-03

I'm pretty sure if you bite someone's hands and face off, you will be asked to leave the establishment. The Japanese haven't abided by cannibalism for over 60 years.

Camonk - 2009-03-03

I'd take it off the plate, put it down my pants so it got a good view of my junk, then put it back on the plate.

TeenerTot - 2009-03-03

Hitchcock got the idea for filming Rope from this.

glasseye - 2009-03-03


The Townleybomb - 2009-03-03

Nan da? Imi wakannai.

boner - 2009-03-03

Run it in slow motion and you've got half a Wes Anderson movie.

imairlax - 2009-03-03

i'd say the facial expressions on at least 70% of those people are expressing the sentiment "fucking tourists"

poopskin - 2009-03-03

we have a whole bunch of these in Portland. Sushi is not very good but it's so much fun to eat off of a conveyorbelt.

Menudo con queso - 2009-03-03

This is remarkably interesting and well-paced for something I thought was going to be unwatchable. I love the weird parade of faces.

OgreMkIV - 2009-03-03

Some of those people can really shove it in.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-03-03

This makes me wish Waffle House had conveyor belts.

UnderANeonHalo - 2009-03-03

The girl at 6:54 made this for me but the whole video was amazing. I'm shocked at how interesting the whole thing was.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-03-03

That brightened up more than a few days.

keinsignal - 2009-03-06

the stack of plates at 1:53 was pretty impressive.

though, if I saw one of these coming down the line at me I'd be strongly tempted to put wasabi all over the lens.

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