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Comment count is 35
Camonk - 2009-03-13

"That is begrudging."

What is this guy even doing on Fox News. He's got a sense of humor and timing. He thinks there are funny things in the world. Shep there is nothing funny about anything.

Cena_mark - 2009-03-13

5 stars for Shep using the word "Hater."
I tried listening to his radio show, but I didn't get it. He has bumpers like that of the hard rock stations and thinks that makes his show "The next generation of talk radio." Bah, I'll keep my Boortz, thank you.

kingarthur - 2009-03-13

Even the other people at Fox News can't help but mock Glen Beck...almost to his face. I also like how Shep here was politely threatened to get on the bandwagon by Mr. Whitebread.

baleen - 2009-03-13

This is sort of the best stuff (or only good stuff) of the New York Post\Daily News filtered into a news anchor. And by that I mean alcoholic, cynical headlines and universal mockery of everything.

Meerkat - 2009-03-13

He's like my dad when some young feller with a college edjimication was hired as his boss.

wtf japan - 2009-03-13

Except in this case, it's more like your dad had the edjimication and they hired a high school dropout to be his boss.

citrusmirakel - 2009-03-13

Chris Wallace will not stand for your shenanigans, sir! How dare you try to make fun of a news television show where a mormon outlines fantasy doom scenarios? It's called "news", you ass.

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-03-13

I'm five-staring a Fox News clip, and it's not out of hate.

This just feels strange.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-03-14

Fox is beginning to eat itself, or rather its progeny. Like a praying mantis.

Honest Abe - 2009-03-13

5 for "he will be joining us from his fear chamber DI-RECK-LY"

if you haven't seen glenn beck's recent fascination with a civil war dystopia and talk of "the bubba effect" do yourselves a favor and search it out.

Xenocide - 2009-03-13

If the biggest star your network has got is Glen friggin' Beck, you'd better begrudge that.

rustin - 2009-03-13

". . . People want to think I'm a hater. . ."

What has happened to that smarmy little man who used to get into fist fights over parking spaces? Also, what is happening to Fox News in general?

athodyd - 2009-03-14

Murdoch knows that working the dipshit crowd won't pay the bills as well as it used to, so the network will probably swing leftish for a while.

Chalkdust - 2009-03-13

The head-tilting and camera zooming... gold.

sliggy - 2009-03-13

I don't know what I love the most: The revelation that Shepard Smith is an actual carbon-based life form, the fact that the funnier he is, the more his southern twang emerges, or the hushed "Oh!" at the very end right after he says that it's bigger than O'Reilly.

sliggy - 2009-03-13

Wait wait wait, I think my favorite bit is the "Fear Box" "Doom Room" conversation.

lordpotato - 2009-03-13

Damn Shep, right for the jugular. That is one funny guy, I like watching him.

plopgun - 2009-03-13

under-cover daily-show operative.

Hooper_X - 2009-03-14

Shepard Smith: Not Entirely A Douchebag After All.

This is fucking excellent, especially the bits where they do the exaggerated zoom-ins. THE FEAR CHAMBER!!!

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-03-14


Cleaner82 - 2009-03-14

I love this guy now, I hated this guy less than five minutes ago. How did that happen?

Jeff Fries - 2009-03-14

Careful Glenn or you too will end up floating nude down the river wrapped in plastic

Nikon - 2009-10-01

Just like the young girl that Glenn Beck raped and murdered in 1990.

takewithfood - 2009-03-14

I've never been able to stay mad at this man.

Nithing - 2009-03-14

Still a makeup wearing closet case with woman's eyes.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-04-23

Nithing does not like the eyes of a woman, or make-up.

Walt Henderson - 2009-11-07

Uh, find me a television personality that doesn't wear makeup.

Louis Armstrong - 2009-03-15

"and for people that think Im a hatter..."

sniffle, sniffle, sniffles.....

DK1987 - 2009-04-16

Shepard Smith rules, this clip is just amazing

Keefu - 2009-04-22

He's the closest thing Fox News has to a respectable journalist. If a bunch of other clips on youtube are any indication, he still has his shitty douche "Fox News" moments. He's still one of the few people on there to give an indication of not being completely soulless though, good for him.

Pie Boy - 2009-07-03

the way he talks to glenn like he's a four-year-old with late-stage dissociative schizophrenia

oh and the end frame

god, the end frame

phalsebob - 2009-07-13

Is Shep finally hitting the wall? I'm sure working with Glenn must be grating in the extreme.

Also, I don't think Glenn has a Fear Chamber... it's more of a Douche Nook.

kwash - 2009-10-21

"If you don't watch the Glenn Beck program, you're like the only not watching."


You and the girl that Glenn Beck raped and murdered in 1990.

Johnny Madhouse - 2009-11-06

I'm sure this sells well.

Bort - 2010-01-20

Hey, Glenn Beck's flag has only 48 stars. Hawaii simply isn't a state in Glenn Beck's world.

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