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Comment count is 9
gorch - 2009-03-17

DOGGY BAG ist gud! Ja!

svraz - 2009-03-17

It loses something in the cultural translation I think and looks excesively harsh. That being said the dutch are harsh so maybe it dosnt lose anything.

AltMazter - 2009-03-17

C&A is a big chains of (clothing) stores. It's like not knowing what H&M stands for.(I didn't for the first and don't know for the second.)

Not particularly dumb but the other answers were obvious wrongs.

baleen - 2009-03-17

The Dutch seem to enjoy making people feel terrible then having the government provide health care for the victims.

Frank Rizzo - 2009-03-17

reminds me of the "wheel of fish" host.


Konversekid - 2009-03-17

I'm guessing this is hilarious while high.

CharlesSmith - 2009-03-17

I like it because it's like the kind of dream you'd have if you watched Millionarre all day and then fell asleep listening to Dutch talk radio or something. All the questions are in another language that you somehow understand, but the questions themselves are borderline nonsense at times.

fluffy - 2009-03-17

And then you make an omelet with tomato lemons

Xenocide - 2009-03-17

Never, ever ask for a Horsie Bag. Trust me on this.

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