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Comment count is 14
kennydra - 2009-03-19

oooooooh, damn that looks like it hurts.

karl hungus - 2009-03-19

douche, nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

Frank Rizzo - 2009-03-19

yep, newtonian physics is still relevant.

HURF BLURF DUH - 2009-03-19

I'm not gay anymore
I shattered my sternum and I'm paralyzed for sure

FatFatuousNation - 2009-03-19

Had a taste for man ass babe,
But I think I've found a cure

The Townleybomb - 2009-03-20

Well capped.

Oldmacho - 2009-03-19


glasseye - 2009-03-19

Helmets are for pussies and those who want to live, apparently.

Camonk - 2009-03-20

Not to mention the plastic elf armor they wear
I guess that has a purpose besides +1 against orcs and flame attacks afterall

fluffy - 2009-03-20

Does laughing at the slow motion make me a horrible human being?

kiint - 2009-03-20


rustedmutt - 2009-03-20

My stars are yours, sir.

grimcity - 2009-03-20

Now it's a three wheeler!

Menudo con queso - 2009-03-20

I've always hoped that these things would be Darwinian social cleansers, but they need more randomly placed spikes to really do the job. -1 for all the quadtards who continue to live and breed.

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