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Comment count is 22
kennydra - 2009-03-20

It earned 5 stars in the first 20 seconds. god damn.

kennydra - 2009-03-20

also, is that god talking?


rapsnacks - 2009-03-20

"Ah ah ah this here is a midget crossing by law you have to stop"(FART)
"Down with bloodlust"(FART)
"I'm too short to die"(FART)

"Midget power"(FART)


Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-03-20

Stage 100

HURF BLURF DUH - 2009-03-20

"CD Music �1996 Anal Productions." Well, that's apropos.

That is the most excruciatingly horrible game intro I've ever seen or heard of. I bet there's no way to skip it either.

FeeFiFoFoTheFifeFifeBrown - 2009-03-20

Some special move names from the delightful Bloodlust Software website:

Slut Floor Spin
Beaver Buzzsaw
Super Ho
Tourette Shaker
Unintentional Profanity Punch
Frenchy Flip
Triple AssBlaster
Kilted Kamikazi
Tardwagon Charge

Rudy - 2009-03-20

Why would you want to?

sosage - 2009-03-20


sosage - 2009-03-20

Holy crap. There is a sequel: http://www.bloodlustsoftware.com/timeslaughter2.html

glasseye - 2009-03-20

Brain meltingly awful.

Udderdude - 2009-03-20

These are the same guys that made that NESticle emulator everyone and their mom was using for awhile.

fluffy - 2009-03-20

Proof that technical capability is no substitute for game design ability.

A few of NESticle's GUI design choices (not to mention its name) were always vaguely unsettling so I guess it could have been a lot worse.

Godard's Drinking Problem - 2009-03-20

Am I the only one here who thinks the gameplay looks sweet as hell?

rapsnacks - 2009-03-20


Caminante Nocturno - 2009-03-20

How old were they when they made this game?

Bort - 2009-03-20

At 2:19, I swear that's Killface.

DiscreteComponents - 2009-03-20

Minus a star because Shitman isn't a playable character.

Hooper_X - 2009-03-20

Okay, admit it. If you were between twelve and sixteen in the mid-90s, this is the EXACT SAME VIDEO GAME YOU WOULD HAVE MADE.

Except that instead of drawing it on all our class notes and bullshitting with our friends at lunch, these guys actually DID IT. (I'm guessing they were in high school. If not, that's truly unsettling.)

kingarthur - 2009-03-20

Wait a minute: those characters have no relation to the story!

FABIO - 2009-03-22


Testicles of Doom - 2009-03-24


ah hah hah hah!

poorwill - 2010-09-27

I came.

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