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Desc:In its uncensored glory, watch the volume if you're at work
Category:Cartoons & Animation, Classic TV Clips
Tags:Disney, South Park, Mickey Mouse, Jonas Brothers, Catharsis
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Comment count is 11
imairlax - 2009-03-20

submitter's disclaimer: i'm sorry if you have to watch an ad before or after the clip, but i thought it would be better to submit the official link than one that would be gone in a day.

spikestoyiu - 2009-03-20

Oh, I get it -- Mickey Mouse curses! It's funny because he's a children's icon and he's not supposed to!

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2009-03-20

Huh. I'm not quite certain who Stone & Parker were shooting at with this one. Sure, Disney is a ripe target and, yeah, they seem to have an odd idea about the sexuality of their audience (my wife won't let our nephews watch "The Suite Life" because a tween-aged boy hits on an 18-year-old girl every episode). But the episode seems to claim the Jonas Brothers have some measure of artistic integrity, which I've never seen a hint of.

Also, having Mickey enlarge and breathe fire seemed to be a bit of a cop-out ending because they couldn't think of any other way to wrap things up.

Anhedonia - 2009-03-20

That was not funny.

Torture the Artist - 2009-03-20


najil - Best PartThis is the best part of the new episode! haha .. so FUNNY xD I luv it

Torture the Artist - 2009-03-20

JuicyPrincess - Sooo funny!This was truly JAW DROPPING! When I saw Mickey I was like "OMG, They didn't go there." This episode is soooooo tru tho! I was at my little cousins bday last month and all the little girls started licking Jonas Brothers posters. It's pretty sick what Disney is doing!!!

Torture the Artist - 2009-03-20

The Coming of Evil - mickey laughs at the end of every sentence and its a pissa, haha. hope he comes back 4 another episode where he beats up miley cyrus, haha, now that would be hilerious, haha.

Torture the Artist - 2009-03-20


theSnake - 2009-03-20

South park is terrible. They pick a target thats safe to go after, then make an episode about their target eating poop or something and call it high satire so all the kids can watch it and feel like they are rebelling by watching something edgy.

RomancingTrain - 2009-03-21

I guess this would be funny if I had a younger sister with bad taste in music.

eatenmyeyes - 2009-03-27

Highly inaccurate depiction. MM has no personality, sinister or otherwise.

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