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Comment count is 44
chairsforcheap - 2009-03-20

i guess soda's dont have chins either.

Wonko the Sane - 2009-03-20

wtf england

phalsebob - 2009-03-20

Show some respect for members of the royal family.

a flaming monkey - 2009-03-20

Nope, he's one of yours, America :)
Brits call soda 'pop' or something like that. Who cares anyway, this guy's a hero.

Merzbau - 2009-03-20

they call it "barrister" or "lorry" or "chim-i-neysweep" (by region)

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-03-20

That's an American basement, hombre. We know you don't all look likt you're from Calvin Klein adverts ;)

simon666 - 2009-03-20

Obviously of British heritage, but living in Yonkers, New York. Also needs a GNR or guns n roses tag variant.

La Loco - 2009-03-20


Richmond - 2009-03-20

Great find!

UnderANeonHalo - 2009-03-20

Is this one of those really weird fetishes gay guys have?

Xiphias - 2009-03-20


futurebot - 2009-03-21

wait, watching this made me SO HARD, NOW I'M CONFUSED

Bored - 2009-03-20

What the fuck did I just watch?

kiint - 2009-03-20

He should go on the road with this guy as a comedy duo, with the right material they would make millions.


Bebido - 2009-03-20

Keep your chin up you Harland Williams lookin' motha fucka.

RoyCastle - 2009-03-20

i'm glad coke is going in a new direction with its advertising, that artsy perfect world bullshit was making me mad

kingofthenothing - 2009-03-20

yeah, but I'm not sure this hyper-realism angle is the way to go.

charmlessman - 2009-03-20

200 calories per bottle.
He's well on his way to growing some chins there.

kiint - 2009-03-20

they'll all wind up on his sternum

Smellvin - 2009-03-20

And think: tens of thousands of these people left their dirt farms and conquered a quarter of the world...

Wonko the Sane - 2009-03-21

explains a lot, really.

revdrew - 2009-03-20


Comeuppance - 2009-03-20

I laughed out loud.

zatojones - 2009-03-21

stars for you

lucienpsinger - 2009-03-24

I was ALREADY laughing hysterically, damn it.

bongoprophet - 2009-03-25


joelkazoo - 2011-03-25


fermun - 2009-03-20

For someone named sodahead13, you'd think he'd be able to chug some soda. Dude can barely get any down.

baleen - 2009-03-20


Hooker - 2009-03-20

Welcome to the jungle indeed.

Chalkdust - 2009-03-20

If it weren't for the internet I never would have seen this.

Thanks internet!

millerman13 - 2009-03-20

Warning to mothers: Please do not consume alcohol when pregnant. Thank you.

Leviathant - 2009-03-21

This is my "these stars are for this comment" comment.

Cleaner82 - 2009-03-20

This is like a cartoon illustration of an English guy, which you always sort of assume is exaggerated somewhat.

cognitivedissonance - 2009-03-21


James Woods - 2009-03-21

Needs Fetal Alcohol Syndrome tag.

Tameriaen - 2009-03-21

There's just so much-you can't it all in- it just keeps coming.

Sean Robinson - 2009-03-21

I hope when he's going down, he yells "YEAAAH!" when the job is done.

RomancingTrain - 2009-03-21

Well, now I've got a new synonym for FAS.

Syd Midnight - 2009-03-22

Oh my god his collarbone BULGES when he flexes.

It's like an alien anthropologist designed a human based on mismatched fossilized bone, or the only DNA samples they could find were Harry Dean Stanton and Pete Townsend, so they crossed them to try an compensate for the massive mutations.

imairlax - 2009-03-25

...is he okay?

Big Muddy - 2009-04-07

He sucked the dick outta that damn bottle. Lucky to have even downed it.

fluffy - 2009-09-02

Fetal Coca-Cola Syndrome

Jet Bin Fever - 2010-05-25

I think Sloth's child inherited his father's sweet tooth.

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