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Comment count is 15
Caminante Nocturno - 2009-03-25

I'm having an easy time imagining the chubby, shorts-wearing guy from Cold Steel showing off a weapon that works just like this.

Smashing produce and eggs as he skips around a parking lot.

ProfessorChaos - 2009-03-26

I had one of these cheap plastic pieces of crap growing up.

The best thing was that the friggin counter didn't work at all.

RomancingTrain - 2009-03-26

My elementary school had a couple of these until we skipped closed together and had them whack into each other.

Old_Zircon - 2013-06-08

Nobody I knew had one of these, my town kept the Pogo Ball torch burning.

fermun - 2009-03-26

I saw the neighbor girl playing with one of these in the middle of the street just a few days ago. I was amazed that they either still make these, or that someone had held on to one of these for 15 years.

TeflonDoc - 2009-03-26

Rich adorable white children with parole cuffs.

voodoo_pork - 2009-03-26


hornung - 2009-03-26

i had one as a kid without the counter.
it was molded to look like a lemon.
my brother was doing it once in the basement and jumped up and punched a hole in the ceiling.

he got yelled at.

TeenerTot - 2009-03-26

I had that lemon thingy too. We busted it open to see what the "rattle" material was. It contained little bits of limestone.

Redlof - 2009-03-26

Hey anybody remember yo-yo ball? What was up with THAT?

Spike Jonez - 2009-03-26

I had one of those as a kid, and my goth babysitter showed me how to tape construction paper and pipe cleaners to it to make it into a spider.


KnowFuture - 2009-03-26

Actually, it was called the Yo-Ball.
It was a kind of spring-loaded, enclosed-inside-a-plastic-ball yo-yo that I think was intended for kids too retarded to make a real yo-yo work.

nuzzles - 2009-03-26

It's so much fun and easy to do
Cos wherever it goes, it comes back to you
And you never have to wind it, you can do it all
Hey baby, it's the yo-yo ball

chumbucket - 2009-03-26

I would be surprised the counter wasn't used in court for some domestic violence cases

Jack Cooper - 2009-03-29

These were awesome but they made your ankles hurt.

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