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Desc:Hey ladies, I think this fella might be single!
Category:Religious, Educational
Tags:Jesusophile, vaginal sex, clitoral confusion, the worst lay in history
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Comment count is 14
Jack Dalton - 2009-03-27

He has mastered the craft of trolling. Too bad he gets a bit out of character around the end and makes it less plausible.

Comeuppance - 2009-03-27

He's a bit heavy-handed with the trolling, but it's acceptable because so many people don't realize that he isn't serious.

Old_Zircon - 2009-03-28

I've met a couple of people in my life who were exactly like him, which makes it easier to suspend disbelief

dr_mr_vandertramps - 2009-03-27

i can't even watch more than 2 consecutive minutes of this guy. absolutely infuriating.

dr tits - 2009-03-27

he keeps looking at that hole in the clementine as if it is really a vagina....

he also seems to know a whole lot about butt sex
and not so much about the fine art of cunnilingus

Urburos - 2009-03-28

Buttsex is wrong because it causes pain.
Pain is something a woman deserves.

All women deserve buttsex.

dementomstie - 2009-03-28

5 stars for LOGIC!

Lauritz Melchior - 2009-03-28

O definitely misread that as

"Palin is something that all women deserve."

Joey Joe Joe Junior Shabadoo - 2009-03-28

wait, what's a fagina?

Frank Rizzo - 2009-03-28

its the thing thats full of AIDS!

NoCode - 2009-03-28

Five stars for the sexy spoon in the tangerine trick, but minus one because this is too obvious a troll.

DMKA - 2009-03-28

I love hearing religious nuts grasping for straws.

Also, it only hurt because the guy pounding your ass was doing it wrong, christfag.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-03-28

watch closelyer

lordpotato - 2009-04-09

I feel bad for giving this troll another view.

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