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Comment count is 9
boner - 2009-03-31

He is wearing the army clothing on one side and his own body armour on the other side.

spencer - 2009-03-31

He fuckin' does what he fuckin' says.

Also... "hur-toobies" :(

heyitslozeau - 2009-03-31

rock on troy.

dancingshadow - 2009-03-31

What a guy

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-03-31


I love this guy.

Konversekid - 2009-03-31

He looks like a really insensitive Terry Fox supporter.

Cena_mark - 2009-03-31

That's an elaborate excuse to run away from me. And he thinks I can't beat him up when he's wearing that armor.

Boxhead - 2009-03-31

From the wiki:

Trojan Ballistic Suit of Armor:

Hurtubise claims that he has been unable to test the suit against live ammunition because no one is willing to shoot him in it.

'Cause Lord knows there's no way to test things without having a live human body in there.

Cube - 2009-03-31

When shooting a TV with your camcorder, you should adjust the shutter speed to correspond with the refresh rate of the picture. That would be 1/50 (fifty times a second) for PAL and 1/60 for NTSC. That way you don't get black bars on the picture.

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