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Comment count is 20
chairsforcheap - 2009-04-03

i bet this is some artfag recording this for a "performance" class... gotta love boston

Old_Zircon - 2009-04-03

Clearly you have never seen Bruins fands.

Old_Zircon - 2009-04-03


anyway, you are definitely wrong.

Old_Zircon - 2009-04-03

I'm sure she left her hat or coat up there and is going back to get it.

Ruteger - 2009-04-04

When 20,000+ people are all trying to leave a building at once building management will often switch escalators so they are all going in the direction of traffic. Like Zircon said, she probably just forgot her jacket or something and it doesn't look like the building's architects didn't do the intelligent thing and include a set of stairs with the escalators

delicatessen - 2009-04-03

Needs more explosions.

MightierThanTheSword - 2009-04-04

Are you kidding me? It's fucking perfect. I just wish I had seen her get to the top.

dr_mr_vandertramps - 2009-04-03

could be exposure therapy for someone with social anxiety, too. 5 starring for this possibility.

Camonk - 2009-04-03

Is this where you act like you're an idiot and make people feel contempt for you? Therapy is insane.

Koda Maja - 2009-04-03

5 stars for being a living metaphor.

fluffy - 2009-04-03

could be that she forgot to renew her gym membership and wanted to keep up her resistance training

Frank Rizzo - 2009-04-03

she'll be sober by the time she gets to the top.

5 for music

kiint - 2009-04-03

i saw an extremely drunk guy in a suit, all packed and ready to "fly", try to do this on the long slidewalks at narita aiprort in Tokyo. He was just getting started going down the wrong way last time I saw him, ironically to an arrivals only section. Nothing would seem to deter him.

Old_Zircon - 2009-04-03

One time I was in a suburban mall food court and there was an elevator that wasn't running. A 40-something woman walked up to it, saw it wasnt working and literally leapt back like she had never seen something as unnatural as a non-moving escalator. Then she put her bags down, kind of put her hand to her chest and inched forward toward it, looked for a long time, and then left to use the escalator at the other end of the mall (presumably).

White people!

The Mothership - 2009-04-03

My 5 stars go to the guy balancing the i-phone camera with the beer cup. Here's to you, Mr. "I'm drunk, but she is waaaay drunker!"

sosage - 2009-04-03

Nothing is impossible if you put your mind into it.

Hooker - 2009-04-03

This is more of a "Boston fan" than "Hockey fan."

glasseye - 2009-04-03

Yeah can't be a hockey fan, she looks capable of banging two rocks together.

RockBolt - 2009-04-03

"Its farther up than I thought, this is taking forever!"

Chalkdust - 2009-04-03

0:37 - "Hey! Hey, do you know you're... hmm... guess not."


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