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Comment count is 6
revdrew - 2009-04-11

Like the Minutemen, except better dressed and with mob connections. Fortunately your average Japanese person just thinks of them as a nuisance, at best.

mouser - 2009-04-11

Watched it all. Didn't see much I didn't like actually. It's the otaku in me I suppose, that supports traditional japan rather than the pussy-faced smiley japan youth.

mouser - 2009-04-11


Merzbau - 2009-04-11

...righty-o, then

cognitivedissonance - 2009-04-11


Aoi - 2009-04-11

One industry that was never affected by Japan's 'lost decade' was racism and bigotry in general. But on the other hand, as with such things in most of the world, it's more the changing of the generations that'll have/is having the biggest effect on societal acceptance of those sorts of things.

(Unfortunately, Japan mastered the elderly clinging to relevance long before the Boomers entered the fray in North America.)

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