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Desc:In which Grandpa is old, Gabara is hilariously gay, and Godzilla is Ric Flair?
Category:Classic TV Clips, Classic Movies
Tags:Godzilla, 80s, nostalgia, Munsters, what was Ted Turner thinking?
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Comment count is 7
Hooper_X - 2009-04-18

A BRIEF SUMMARY OF MY SATURDAYS AS A YOUNG CHILD: Wake up around 8am. Watch three to four hours of cartoons, eat lunch, watch Super Scary Saturday. Dick around outside or play video games or whatever until dinner. After that, it was time for like six fucking hours of wrestling - TBS had GCW/WCW and one of the syndicated stations carried WWF, GLOW, and one or two other promotions. It ran well past my bedtime, that's for sure (sometimes I could sneak out to the living room at midnight and watch Doctor Who on PBS, continuing the brain-rotting awesomeness).

Sure, all my friends were playing Little League or football or whatever, but fuck that - I was chilling out with Godzilla.

Spike Jonez - 2009-04-18

Let's get married.

JSP - 2009-04-18

I wasn't sure what rating we were looking at here until the sped-up version of the old NWA TV theme started.

Toenails - 2009-04-18

Wow, the Monster's Smack Talking Scenes were like some sort of proto-Youtube Poop.

Although I probably shouldn't have said that as now there will undoubtedly be Youtube Poop of this clip. :(

Cena_mark - 2009-04-18

I love old TBS. Captain Planet, WCW, Andy Griffith... I can't stand TBS anymore.

Keefu - 2009-04-18

why would you love captain planet, that is an environmentalist propaganda piece

KnowFuture - 2009-04-18

They just don't make 'em like Grandpa Al Lewis anymore...

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