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Comment count is 15
TypicalEllisProtagonist - 2009-04-20

Luke Perry???

StanleyPain - 2009-04-20

Ron Perlman was Stryker on this? damn

thebaronsdoctor - 2009-04-20


Comeuppance - 2009-04-20


Camonk - 2009-04-20

Kano rips out your heart... TO KEEP IT FROM BEING BROKEN!

bopeton - 2009-04-20

Even his snake's snake has snakes.

Cleaner82 - 2009-04-20

Between this clip and the other one, it's official. Sonya fucking rocks. She is the Jack Burton of this show.

Though it would seem Jax got the last laugh with what could possibly be the cruelest comeback imaginable.

Camonk - 2009-04-20

He TOLD HER to leave him alone about the fat thing.

memedumpster - 2009-04-20

Fat makes you say strange things.

sosage - 2009-04-20

Horse necking...Eagle man...Snakes within Snakes...is there any animated series that did not employ furries?

Rudy - 2009-04-20

What gem?

socialist_hentai - 2009-04-20

You know what time it is?

Finger Paints - 2009-04-20

Only crap at 8:39, did Jax unleash the Dragon, it was very brown and Sonya wanted all to herself.

Cleaner82 - 2009-04-20

Turns out the Black Dragon isn't a shadowy organization at all, but rather a brand. Of, um, feminine products.

gnpaaron - 2009-06-03

holy shit, Clancy Brown was slumming it bad.

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