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Comment count is 9
zatojones - 2009-04-22

They're all yours, dude.

heyitslozeau - 2009-04-22

can I have some too?

dr tits - 2009-04-22

the truth is, his boyfriend is anorexic...

Chibisuke - 2009-04-22

This needs to be the theme song for Fat Princess

JSP - 2009-04-22

All of the stars.

heyitslozeau - 2009-04-22

he doesn't mean any of it. He's just trying to get fat girl money.

wtf japan - 2009-04-22

I'm not sure why this isn't on 73q, but for some reason, I'm glad it's not.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-04-23

Fat's great, once you can squeeze it into a corset, like so...

Testicles of Doom - 2009-04-23

Why is he dressed like the Karate Kid?

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