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Desc:Breaking Bad, from the same episode as the turtle bomb video. Good intro to the show's premise.
Category:Classic TV Clips, Crime
Tags:Breaking Bad, narcocorrido, negro y azul, Los Cuates De Sinaloa
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Comment count is 9
socialist_hentai - 2009-04-24

this is awsome

Stog - 2009-04-24

I am officially in love with this fucking show.

oogaBooga - 2009-04-24

That was some good playing for an average shitty mexican band.

I like the bass the dude is using. Thats the only mexican flag themed guitar ive seen that doesnt look stupid.

baleen - 2009-04-24

This Mexican girl I dated for a while told me that 90% of all Tejano is about drug dealers and truckers who run drugs across the border, which makes me enjoy it more but I still find it mostly unbearable, especially if there's a synth involved.

Camonk - 2009-04-24

The show is better if you don't know the premise behind it when you see the first episode.

I'm sure the show's still awesome if you know. It's just moreso if you don't. Watch this show, if you're not, you big dumb lug.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2013-08-11

When I first started watching, I knew the vague premise (chemistry teacher, cancer, meth, winnebago), but with this sort of smugness that I knew exactly where this beloved show was going. Walt and Jesse would hate each other at first, then grudgingly form a respect for one another as they tool around in an RV fighting gangsters. Walter White would do some moderately shitty things, but never something so evil the audience would stop rooting for him.

Watching the final product was a learning experience.

Hooper_X - 2009-04-24

My jaw pretty much was in my lap for the entire duration of this sequence. It's one of the coolest things I've ever fucking seen on TV.

Cleaner82 - 2009-04-24

That guy is so screwed.

Goethe and ernie - 2009-04-25

Holy shit, why haven't I seen this yet? (Because in the UK, it's only on one shitty channel that nobody has, that's why)

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