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Comment count is 17
Syd Midnight - 2009-05-01

Norm gets drunk and watches while Tom Green sucks the life right out of the show. Skip ahead to 5:36 when you've had enough.

anvill - 2009-05-01

I only watched those last 45 seconds, but wow.

baleen - 2009-05-01

I tried to watch this a long time ago but the technical difficulties made it really painful.

phalsebob - 2009-05-01

Did Green stop being funny after he broke up with Drew Barrymore, or after I stop smoking jazz cigarettes?

Camonk - 2009-05-01

He was never, NEVER funny. Sorry. He has always basically deserved terminal cancer of his soul.

Keefu - 2009-05-02

he gives funny interviews also i think he does not deserve cancer...

afp3683 - 2009-05-02

he's hilarious when 4chan pisses him off.
that's probably unintentional on his part though.

Camonk - 2009-05-01

Unfortunately, Norm McDonald's not ACTUALLY funny, either. He just seems funny when next to Tom Green. Note, that Daniel Songer seems funny when compared to Tom Green.

CharlesSmith - 2009-05-02

If you don't think Norm MacDonald is funny, then you're not qualified to evaulate humour.

Aoi - 2009-05-02



(Five for Norm)

PlushJake - 2009-05-02

God, I couldn't finish it. I mean, DJ's are trained to say, "Turn your radio down." Is that not possible on on Tom Green? I guess this is the Portal of Evil though. It's bound to piss me off.

La Loco - 2009-05-02

This is tragic and painful but the last half a minute is pure comedy.

azazel - 2009-05-02


Hooker - 2009-05-02

Automatic five for Norm and everything, but holy shit Tom Green is brutal.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-05-02

I've been hating Tom Green and sidekick Glen from the day they first showed up on MTV, all the way to their current incarnations on Adult Swim. I wish their show would just die, along with the concept behind it.

Hooray for Norm.

mcsancherson - 2009-05-03

norm is the man

joelkazoo - 2010-11-18

I've always loved both these guys (Norm a LOT more, tho).

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