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Comment count is 38
Adham Nu'man - 2009-05-05


Rape Van Winkle - 2009-05-05

Five because I think it was real.

simon666 - 2009-05-05

Did it for me too.

ASubmarineSandwich - 2009-05-05

It was real, but with a SURPRISE ENDING!

mcsancherson - 2009-05-05


Dinanukht - 2009-05-05

Never has my opinion of a person changed so quickly as it did at the end of this clip.

La Loco - 2009-05-05

Holy mole! I like asians but not agents too.

longwinded - 2009-12-15

can i has spoiler?

petep - 2009-12-16

yes, we should avoid talking about the video in the comments

Frank Rizzo - 2010-02-21

petep is my new favorite human.

fermun - 2009-05-05


baleen - 2009-05-05

Oh this is wonderful.

rev.dinosaur - 2009-05-05

What an adorable nation.

uekibachi - 2009-05-05


Camonk - 2009-05-05

They ARE just a mob of crooks!

Camonk - 2009-05-05

My favorite part is definitely the handshake. The reporter is all, Man I had you all wrong! Good on ya, mate!

Kumquatxop - 2009-05-09

yeah, the handshake really pushed it over the edge

kennydra - 2009-05-05

Oh man, I stopped watching this midway through when it was first posted because the audio was so bad and I couldn't really understand their accents very well. I read the comments today and decided to give it another go...hilarious.

Lauritz Melchior - 2009-05-05

Awww. Life is good, again!

voodoo_pork - 2009-05-05

Well, no one told me that! Therefore, mister, it doesn't exist!

NoCode - 2009-05-05

All agents look alike, too.

spikestoyiu - 2009-05-05

Plus they're terrible drivers.

Dinkin Flicka - 2009-05-05

Good at math though. And their sperm flow like the river!

Banal Intercourse - 2010-04-25

Please activate the "Endearing Earnestness" tag with this.

Banal Intercourse - 2010-04-25

(not sure how this ended up as a reply)

8bitwintermute - 2009-05-05

ahah fantastic

Suedeo - 2009-05-05

I was lookin' at that guy angrily!

Now I wanna give him a hug

Robert DeNegro - 2009-05-05

Hey, some of my family and best friends are Real Estate Agents, and find this entire affair distasteful!!!

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-05-05

More power to you, brother.

theSnake - 2009-05-05

:/ .......... :D

Syd Midnight - 2009-05-06

It's perfectly normal to hate this man at first, but if you don't hate yourself even more at the end then you missed the lesson.

Keefu - 2009-05-07


Mayberry Pancakes - 2009-05-08

The guy doesn't even seem bothered to realize he's insulted an entire continent.

ihounokyaku - 2009-05-09

Anger becoming not-anger feels good! :D

Monchiles Monchiles - 2009-05-16

What a twist!

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-09-08

All they wanna do is put up the sign!

Time Travel Mishap - 2009-09-09

This really makes me feel better about being a human

tamago - 2009-12-03

Again, five for the ending.

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