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Comment count is 19
gambol - 2009-05-06


rawelkij - 2009-05-06

"You just don't understand what it's like!"

rawelkij - 2009-05-06

And stars.

AgentOrange - 2009-05-06

Update your tags splatterbabble, find something that works.

splatterbabble - 2009-05-06

Any suggestions based on the material?

splatterbabble - 2009-05-06

Found one!

AgentOrange - 2009-05-06

Bush, Bush administration, Torture, Cunt

Chalkdust - 2009-05-07

"lady what the hell are you talking about" seems appropriate here

chumbucket - 2009-05-06

instant background silence at 1:45

Frank Rizzo - 2009-05-06

"enhanced interrogation"

reminds me of "surprise butt sex"

this guy was a fucking IDIOT to say nazi germany was a bigger threat to America. Typical college hipster that thinks he knows everything. I honestly dont see why her getting "snippy" is such a bid deal. She should have slapped him.

futurebot - 2009-05-06

And he should have bitten her nose off then and there for defending TORTURE, jesus how can anyone come away with this video with anything but absolute revulsion and contempt for this woman

fatatty - 2009-05-06

He obviously should have read more before he talked to her.

If he had, he would realize the greatest threat this nation has ever faced was men with box cutters hijacking airplanes. For that we can and must alter the foundations of our morality.

Hitler was a pussy.

wtf japan - 2009-05-06

She said we didn't torture anyone at Guantanamo. That's denying the FACT that waterboarding is torture, because that definitely did happen there.

kamlem - 2009-05-06

Blah blah enemy combatants blah blah Iraq did September 11th blah blah given the threat we face blah blah dunking a terrorist in water blah blah 183 times blah blah divulged information of tremendous value blah blah taking a dump on the Geneva convention from a great height.

So happy to be part of the coalition of the willing!

Daymage - 2009-05-06

I'm not defending the kid, but Google searches take only a few seconds.

From BBC news:

"A leaked report by the ICRC was said to have found evidence of torture tactics [at Guantanamo]."

On the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe: the guy who was quoted as stating that Guantanamo was a model medium security prison was not a representative of the OSCE.

"The OSCE Spokesperson said that, in the light of these reports, he wished to make it clear the Organization itself had not sent an expert to Guantanamo: "The person quoted in several of the stories as "an OSCE expert", Professor Alain Grignard, accompanied the delegation despatched by the Parliamentary Assembly, based in Copenhagen, but he was not employed or commissioned by the OSCE."

Without commenting on the views expressed by any members of the delegation at the press conference in Brussels, he added that the statements should therefore not be taken as being made on behalf of the 55-nation body, which is headquartered in Vienna."

I've done my homework, Ms. Rice.

Daymage - 2009-05-06

Shoot. That second quote comes from OSCE press release: http://www.osce.org/item/18302.html

Leviathant - 2009-05-06

Ooh, that was an especially poor rhetorical trick at 4:33.

And then at 5:37, she says a whole bunch of stuff that has great potential to come back and haunt her in a bad way.

"I didn�t authorize anything. I conveyed the authorization of the administration to the agency, that they had policy authorization, subject to the Justice Department�s clearance. That�s what I did."

Nicely done!

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-05-07

All I hear is "Cunt cunt cunt, cunt cunt cunt cunt, cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt..."

AfricanScience - 2009-05-07

she's black so she's cool with me

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