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Comment count is 18
dementomstie - 2009-05-13

Oh, right, he's funnier when he hates something with a pure unbridled passion.

Pillager - 2009-05-13

I hope he does an X-Com review...

Hooker - 2009-05-13

What, is there a new bad X-COM game?

Kumquatxop - 2009-05-13

I loved the hell out of this game but oh man is he correct.


glasseye - 2009-05-13

I wish I could give this extra stars for the baby-eating Dick Cheney.

Camonk - 2009-05-13

Like most people, I went through a YAHTZEE IS BORING phase. I think if you get a little jaded with him and roll your eyes through a few of his videos, you eventually get the perfect perspective to really enjoy him.

Syd Midnight - 2009-05-13

This Yahtzee review gets 1 star for funny and 4 stars for angry. He's entertaining enough if he really loathes a game.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-06-11


Boxhead - 2009-05-13

He's always funny and has some jolly good turning of the phrases.

However, owning this game I can say his anger is particularly nitpicky and whiny this time around.

I would say he didn't look at the game THAT closely in that the research trees for the guns spread out and boxes and such don't give as much cover as sandbags but they will block shots.

By George, the fellow just may not like the culture of Japan. Good enough.

(The number of cut scenes is a little odd. There's like 6 for every mission. I suspect this is cause they use the in-game engine for them and need to reload everything for a different scene. The actual length isn't so bad.)

ANYWAYS, if this is influencing you about the game, don't let it. It rocks if you like that sort of thing and we don't need to support any more FPS.

Hooker - 2009-05-13

Yahtzee picked on my favourite game is always five.

Xenocide - 2009-05-13

This is a great game. Yahtzee's complaints are all right on the money but they're all focused on really minor points. The blink-and-you'll-miss-it "oh yeah also this game was pretty fun in parts" admission seems to hint that he knows this too.

But he also knows that he's much more fun when he's bitching about something than when he likes it or has mixed feelings, so bully for self-awareness.

fourthguy - 2009-05-14

He's reaching a little with the complaints about androgynous pretty boys. Really, compared to most JRPGs, the character designs for this game seem like they're actually fairly well done and not obnoxious or funny-looking at all. Well... except for one that I saw.

KnowFuture - 2009-05-14

From what I can see his bitch is really more with anime than it is with JRPGs. Or hell, maybe even manga. How does the whole derivative chain go with all that Japanese crap anyway?

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-05-14

Manga, anime, video game.

That's the usual pattern.Variations are not unknown.

Hooper_X - 2009-05-14

Heh heh. I like that he got so viscerally frustrated while reviewing this one that his voice got all scratchy and wobbly and awkward, like a teenaged boy trying to sound tough and cool in front of the girl he likes.

Big Beef Burritos Supreme - 2009-05-14


zatojones - 2009-05-14

WWII didn't have lady soldiers with badonkadonks, huh? Let's just say SOMEONE doesn't know his history!

Chizmurder - 2009-05-14


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