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Comment count is 23
dead_cat - 2009-05-15

Thank science for the car you're driving, the webcam you're bawk-bawk-bawking into, the internet you're going to post your self-expression to, the clothing you're wearing, and the technology that frees up enough of your day for you to even have the time to do this sort of stupid shit, ingrate. Oh, and be sure to thank science for all the medical and hygienic advances that allowed you to reach adulthood alive and in good health to make these comments (with a mouthful of teeth, no less).

Udderdude - 2009-05-15

Obviously all of those advancements were inspired by Jesus.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-05-15

Webcams are proof that God loves this man, who wears lame sunglasses who puts other drivers at considerable risk, and wants him to be happy and pretend-angry.

StanleyPain - 2009-05-15

You know, I was about to say that this was a surprisingly toned-down and level headed video for this guy (he's a well known, long time YouTube creationist dipshit), but then the last tacked on 2 minutes brought him back to true form.

I think he's just really angry that he's basically been marginalized so much and that his thunder was stolen, big time, by VenomFangX when he showed up on the scene. He was no longer the crazy outsider; VFX one upped him in insufferable douchebaggery.

NoCode - 2009-05-16

Maybe he can get his parents to take away his web site, too, and then be can be on an equal footing with VFX again.

mashedtater - 2009-05-15

stupid science. lets go back to the methods and ideals we used to employ before we had facts and testing and scientific output.

that man talking into the webcam is in league with the devil! he sends incubus to sleep with me nightly! he haunts my dreams!

burn him! BURN HIM!

kelpfoot - 2009-05-15

There has to be cocaine involved. Not even a Christian driving an SUV can be that obnoxious.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-05-15


glasseye - 2009-05-15


dancingshadow - 2009-05-15

Every sentence of this is amazing.

ASubmarineSandwich - 2009-05-15

God created the deformed and handicapped so that we would know what symmetry was? Is that seriously the argument he is making?

spencer - 2009-05-15

He's saying the deformed people are deformed because of "science", and that the only reason we can even say they are "deformed" is because we're holding them up to a perfect, symmetrical, God-designed standard. And then he goes on to say that if God hadn't designed us, we'd all look like the "deformed" people.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-05-15

It's like Anselm's Ontological Argument, but better, since it's extremely offensive.

spencer - 2009-05-15

The last minute: a portrait of a man just teetering over the edge.

Keefu - 2009-05-15

Oh man, you know what's awesome?

GEERUP (14 hours ago) Show Hide
I hear you, I consider myself a seeker of truth I've done much study on 9/11 100% convinced that it was a false flag inside job operation. I agree the New World a lead puppet masters have bought up United States government and virtually have made it a tool tyranny. Good sound science on embrace. evil pharmaceutical science eugenics and population reduction through governmental and biological weapons and despise. more people die of medicines than any other cause of death, prescription doses.

this is

pastorofmuppets - 2009-05-15

one day i am going to burn "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" onto a baseball bat so i can literally beat it into people

charmlessman - 2009-05-15

Did he just say ARROGANCY?

dead_cat - 2009-05-16

Yep. He's a goddamn wordsmith, this one.

oddeye - 2009-05-15

Pretty sure he just said Christianity is a maggot ridden corpse.

Cena_mark - 2009-05-15

Evolution explains symmetry. I don't think a gazelle could outrun a lion if its legs were asymmetrical.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2009-05-15

What if they BOTH had asymmetrical legs?

I mean, it'd make the Discovery Channel a hoot to watch, but other than that...

Sodomite - 2009-05-16

This dude totally wants to bone VenomFangX's tight little ass, and this is just some indirect, repressed Christian way of setting up the bait.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-05-16

Peace out guys, I'm off to pon some nubs.

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