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Comment count is 11
SRP - 2009-05-14


I can't wait to see how the next few years play out.

simon666 - 2009-05-14

Is this country really heading towards a media that has completely lost interest in reporting in exchange for attacking the reputation of other media outlets, their business competitors?

PornocracyNow - 2009-05-14

with Media outlets being more interesting than their subject matter? it's not an illogical step.

VoilaIntruder - 2009-05-14

It's that way only because they say it is that way. Given a stronger grasp of current events, through better all-around education, and a variety of sources, people's attention could be held by more urgent matters. Unfortunately the television itself isn't the best tool for news broadcast, either. It's a very desensitizing little box it is.

..When did I become a hippie?

Bort - 2009-05-14

After WWI, Churchill definitely wanted to use poison gas on the Kurds, "Saddam-Hussein style", even though they were no threat to London. Yes, he made noises about doing it in non-lethal fashion, but as anyone familiar with trench warfare knew (and Churchill had to know), the stuff was designed to be deadly, and if you managed to get less than a lethal dose you could look forward to being fucked up for life.

So O'Reilly isn't completely wrong on this one, he just got the country wrong, and he is trying to draw the wrong lesson from it. (The correct lesson is "Churchill was a good servant of his empire, which sometimes meant being a monster to the wogs".)

glasseye - 2009-05-14

If O'Reilly is talking, he's lying. He's evil scum.

Camonk - 2009-05-14

Olbermann may be unashamedly partisan, but he's intelligent and learned and that's enough for me.

MongoMcMichael - 2009-05-15

There's nothing wrong with being unashamedly partisan if you admit it beforehand. Olbermann freely admits his liberal bias, whereas O'Reilly still feigns independent thought. Furthermore, Olbermann classifies his show as opinion/analysis rather than news, admits and corrects his mistakes on-air, and he somehow gets away with taking off one night a week on average. It's rather difficult to hate partisans for sticking out a big, neon banner reading 'PARTISANS ASSEMBLE HERE' if they admit that's what they're doing.

takewithfood - 2009-05-15

This is the side of Olbermann that I like; he's justifiably furious and he's on target. This is the right amount of froth and alarm.

It's when I see him being easily twice as animated and hyperactive over the Carrie Prejean "scandal" that I want to punch him in the face.

cognitivedissonance - 2009-05-15

Whether or not there's news of value, Olbermann is paid to do something for his hour every night. He can't just cut away to a field of daisies, as much as he'd probably like to.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-05-15

The things people will do to avoid admitting to a mistake.

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