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Comment count is 20
joelkazoo - 2009-05-17

Don't give a shit what anyone else says: Will Ferrell was the best thing to happen to SNL in a very long time, and the last good thing to come from it.

ProfessorChaos - 2009-05-18

That is only true in comparison to the rest of SNL. I would hesitate to call Will Farrel "Good".

Hooker - 2009-05-18

Will Farrell captured people's imaginations and has become massively successful, but I personally cannot stand him or his type of comedy. For my money, Tina Fey is the only outstanding talent to come out of SNL in the last decade.

Jefka - 2009-05-18

Ferrell's fine, but SNL has a way of stretching any joke past its elastic limit.

...and then implanting the joke in a recurring character...

...and then making a movie about it.

futurebot - 2009-05-18

Being every nerd's wet dream does not qualify Tina Fey as "outstanding talent"

This, in any case, is great, regardless of what one thinks about Will Ferrell in general.

spikestoyiu - 2009-05-18

Jokes about SNL turning lame jokes into movies are just as lame as the movies considering the fact that they haven't done so in a while.

Tuan Jim - 2009-05-17

I like Will Ferrell.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-05-18

me too

wtf japan - 2009-05-18

Wow, I should have tuned in last night apparently.

pastorofmuppets - 2009-05-18

knives knives knives knives

Everything anybody needs to know about Billy Joel is pretty neatly summed up in that steaming pile of song.

I think Tiffany could have done a better job of doing a politically themed / heavily orchestrated 80s pop album.

He didn't even use real instruments. He just grew his ego to the point where new stretch marks started to appear all over his skin, and they recorded it in an LA studio and fed it to a hungry, tasteless, coked-up nation.

Fuck Billy Joel.

Meatsack Jones - 2009-05-18

Ferrell is the last, grasping hand of SNL, before sinking below the waves.

zatojones - 2009-05-18

good to see artie getting some props

Hay Belly - 2009-05-18

He was probably thinking the audience was wondering what the hell he was doing up there with Hanks and Rudd. Poor guy.

DMKA - 2009-05-18

Will Ferrell.


memedumpster - 2009-05-18

This is uncharacteristically entertaining!

lolcoolj - 2009-05-18

I felt the irony of the joke was perfect, my dad who was a Marine over there and just got back from a recent revisit of Vietnam thought it was funny as well. It was the only good skit that night. Obviously the audience didn't get it and they got bailed out because OMG ITS PAUL RUDD!

lolcoolj - 2009-05-18

Forgot to mention that without the first 3 minutes of this bit that aren't shown in this video you miss the whole point of the skit.

Ghoul - 2009-05-18

I only gave this one star because I hate things that a vast majority of other people enjoy... just because.

GoneGirl - 2009-05-18

All my fucking forever stars for when I was fourteen and thought this song was deeply profound.

My roommate just curiously came over to see who the random dude was in my half of the apartment, because this video sent me into baritone "deep chuckle" mode.

punch drunk babies - 2009-05-18

I like Will Farrell

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