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Comment count is 8
Bisekrankas - 2009-05-19

This was my "watch when sick"-movie back in the days, wonder if I still have it

freedoom - 2009-05-19

5 for the voice over by optimus prime.

chumbucket - 2009-05-19

5 more

Hooper_X - 2009-05-19

Technically, you mean studios have been using Allan Quatermain to bite Indy's style for years. Quatermain predates Indy by a century, give or take.

On the other hand, he's now in the public domain, so pretty much ANYONE can make an Allan Quatermain joint and get away with it, and Indiana Jones is now so heavy in the cultural cosmos that Quatermain ends up being a rip of Indy, instead of it pretty much actually being the other way around.

Hang on, my beard is starting to knock things over.

rapsnacks - 2009-05-19

Yeah, there have been something like 6,000 versions of this movie. I was more referring to the fact that Temple of Doom came out only a year prior and they just rehashed it with some ooga booga racism.

Camonk - 2009-05-19

And they ripped off the worst thing from Temple of Doom, the horrible female lead who everyone wished would just die. That's great marketing there, guys.

KnowFuture - 2009-05-19

Biting Indiana Jones' style since 1885, when the first book these movies are based on came out!

StanleyPain - 2009-05-19

I dunno, I actually thought these movies were OK in a sort of weird, B-movie, pulp fiction-y kind of way. They were relatively satisfying for a rainy afternoon kind of thing. ANd, I'm sorry, but they're way better than those new made-for-TV Quartermain movies going around.

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