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Comment count is 34
baumer - 2009-05-18

Watch the whole thing; it just keeps getting worse.

baleen - 2009-05-18

Just because your sister was murdered doesn't mean everybody's liberties should be flushed down the toilet.

Colonel Cowlung - 2009-05-18

I had forgotten about his sister, so your comment made me look up his wikipedia page.

I knew Grammer was a substance abuser that liked arm-candy, but his list of accomplishments is impressive: three failed marriages (including a stripper and a Playboy model), a bastard child, cocaine junkie, rolling his Viper while drunk, and a sex tape.

How could the man be anything but a Republican with tastes like those?

Jefka - 2009-05-18

Ewwww, a Kelsey Grammar sex tape must be vile with a capital "V"

athodyd - 2009-05-18

David Hyde Pierce all jerkin' off in the corner while he watches

futurebot - 2009-05-18


IrishWhiskey - 2009-05-18

Anyone who defends the constitution and civil liberties should be murdered like the subhuman filth they are. And Muslims, or darkies that look like Muslims, should be shot on sight. Nope, not seeing anything vile here.

Lets flip this around: There's a movie where Sean Penn teaches Glenn Beck the virtues of murdering evangelicals because they're not really human, and putting all right wing militias in death camps for the sake of security. I wonder if it would get the same reaction?

memedumpster - 2009-05-18

Would the Sean Penn movie accidentally make fun of liberals as hard core as this is accidentally making fun of conservatives? That may be a factor in how it is received.

I thought the terrorists in Postal were funnier.

MrBuddy - 2009-05-19

It's only funny when liberals make fun of conservatives. When conservatives make fun of liberals, America is in grim danger isn't it?

IrishWhiskey - 2009-05-19

Well, the point was that this movie was dismissed as a joke and not taken seriously, so unless you think the latter example wouldn't be met without outrage and controversy.... No.

Glenn or Glennda - 2009-12-13

No so much a threat to our Great Nation as to comedy. Conservatives complain about how liberal Jon Stewart is, and I suppose he is, but he still does a better job at skewering Obama than Fox's 30 Minute Comedy Hour could have done, if it had managed to last more than 30 minutes. That's because the Daily Show is humor with a point of view. The 30 minute comedy hour was propaganda trying to be funny. What the difference? Well the biggest difference is that propaganda is never ever funny. Also, raging dicks with no sense of humor think it's hilarious.

To be fair, I stopped watching this clip way too soon to judge whether American Carol is propaganda. I only watched enough to know that it's about as funny as emphysema.

CornOnTheCabre - 2009-05-18



CornOnTheCabre - 2009-05-18


Cleaner82 - 2009-05-18

Yeah, no, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt but this is evil.

Cena_mark - 2009-05-18

The problem with the ACLU and their pressing of the fourth Amendment is that they think it some how applies to non US citizens.

memedumpster - 2009-05-18

I have an odd question and I swear I'm not trolling, I've wondered this for a very long time.

If our Constitution is so great for human life, why doesn't it apply to everyone? Why don't we treat everyone like Americans?

KnowFuture - 2009-05-18

So you know for a fact that those two characters were not....oh fuck it, I'm not feeding this troll anymore.

seriouslyuguys - 2009-05-18

The rights listed in the Bill of Rights are inalienable. The idea is that they are your rights as a human (not a citizen) and no government should be able to take them from anyone.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-05-18

Yeah, we should feel free to treat everyone in the world like animals.

You are such a fucking moron racist piece of shit.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2009-05-18

Have you given any thought to actually killing yourself yet? Because it's a good cause, and I know you look for those.

futurebot - 2009-05-18

I used to think that Cena was a troll, but the blunt idiocy is coming off as pretty authentic these days. Also he backed down from my challenge on POE-News, which no troll in his right mind would do.

So fuck you Cena_Mark. We have funny conservatives around here, we have interesting conservatives, we even have conservatives who make legitimate points now and then. You are none of the above.

Keefu - 2009-05-19

I have been saying this since forever

Cena_mark - 2009-05-19

Futurebot: I'm not afraid to post on POE News. I just didn't have time for it. I'll take it up later. I guarantee.

Syd Midnight - 2009-05-19

I would love to see you square off against Gommorrah and would probably cheer for you.

Innocent Bystander - 2009-05-19

cena, you forgot to call him futureassfagbutt.

La Loco - 2009-05-19

I can't stand it! He's trollatron 5000! I mean I like to troll a cat video now and then but not serious stuff like right wing Kelsey Grammar B-movies.

This has to be a joke Dennis Hopper is in it.

Dr Dim - 2009-05-18

This ISN'T tongue-in-cheek? Are you sure?

fluffy - 2009-05-19

I wonder how many people watching this movie without irony really think that Michael Moore doesn't know his way around a shotgun.

Hooper_X - 2009-05-22

The man is a card-carrying member of the NRA. The hell is wrong with people?

mcsancherson - 2009-05-19

this really wasn't made by liberals? really?

phalsebob - 2009-05-19

Some conservatives aren't sure if Colbert if for real. They don't know where boundaries lay, whether comedic ethical or legal.

Hooper_X - 2009-05-22

God, fuck you, movie.

FABIO - 2009-08-05

This movie was "just a joke" the way this announcer was "joking"


Glenn or Glennda - 2009-12-13

Shirley... you're not serious!

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