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Comment count is 8
Cleaner82 - 2009-05-19

I wouldn't say 'huge'. I would say maybe 'testy marginal dick cameo'.

ASubmarineSandwich - 2009-05-19

No, that icy glare she gives him immediately when he's trying to answer a question is pretty dickish.

fluffy - 2009-05-19

Add Columbo to the list of TV shows Wikipedia has a disturbingly-long thesis about. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbo_(TV_series)

chumbucket - 2009-05-19

jesus christ! nothing else tagged with Columbo? wow, this show was PoeTastic!

zatojones - 2009-05-19

fixed for you

zatojones - 2009-05-19

she played the part that way because she theorized that the waitress could get away with being a jerk because she had huge boobs and hadn't started to look mannish yet. i think it's called method acting.

mr.swizzle - 2009-05-19

Columbo cracks the case of "The Haughty Hemaphrodite".

charmlessman - 2009-05-19

She was THIS CLOSE to recommending Activia.

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