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Comment count is 12
Millard - 2009-05-27

For some reason I imagine his parents walking by the door to the basement, hearing their troglodyte son singing stuff like this, and regretting the day they decided not to get an abortion.

phalsebob - 2009-05-27

Now that I'm sure he's not a troll, he just makes me feel sad. But that is still some 5 star creepiness nonetheless.

simon666 - 2009-05-27

His singing reminds me of something that Michael Scott from The Office would do.

NoCode - 2009-05-27


World-class Chris-chan action here.

Repomancer - 2009-05-28

NoCode -- I had to do it. Please try to understand.

TeenerTot - 2009-05-28

Ah yes, christmas. The season of failure and depression.

EvilHomer - 2009-05-28

You know, sometimes I think to myself that maybe this whole thing will resolve itself like a touching and life-affirming romantic comedy. Maybe some cute btard cam whore will decide to take Chrischan up on his offer of love, on a bet, as a joke, or simply to get attention. And then, as the sham continues, she slowly discovers a hidden side to Chrischan, a sweet, touching, human side which no one else can see, realizes that he really is what she's been looking for all along, and, after a bitter breakup over some comments made by camwhore's bitchy "old life" friends and a highspeed car chase to the airport involving some nuns and a vanload of friendly Mexican immigrants, they both live happily ever after.

Then it dawns on me that camwhore would probably turn up dead in a swamp three weeks after her first date with Chrischan, and the magic is lost.

Nikon - 2009-08-06

She'd be dead long before that.

MaulLove - 2009-05-28

Hey, look at me
I'm standing here sad and lonely
Without a fire
A desire
To not hear you say
I have a boyfriend
As I see a lady
Walking along one by one
I never wanna hear
I have a boyfriend
Tell me why
I�m stuck in a sad lonely cage
Tell me why
I so need a cute girl my age
Tell me why
I ain�t never wanna hear you say
I have a boyfriend
And I�m not too happy
And I am lonely
So that�s whyyyyyy
I need a girlfriend
Tell me why I�m stuck in this sad lonely cage
I so need a cute girl my age
I really mean it when I say
I need a girlfriend
Why do all of the jerks
Take all the pretty women?
You may not notice but you should know
That I am a lonesome heart
And I have no fire
A desire
To not, to Not, to NOT
Stuck as a virgin with rage
So need a cute girl my age
I never wanna hear you say
I have a boyfriend
Tell me why
I'm stuck in a sad lonely cage
I so need a cute girl my age
I ain�t never wanna hear you say
I have a boyfriend
Tell me why
I'm stuck in a sad lonely cage
I so need a Cute Girl my age
Tell me why
I aint never wanna hear you say
I Have A Boyfriend
Cause I need girlfriend

All I want for Christmas is a pretty girlfriend
A pretty girlfriend
A pretty girlfriend
All I want for Christmas is a pretty girlfriend
So I can be much happier
All I want for
Is a girlfriend
And she has to be 18-22
And she must be boyfriend-free too
For other qualities, check out my profile on match.com
All I want for Christmas is a pretty girlfriend
A pretty girlfriend
A pretty girlfriend
All I want for Christmas is a pretty girlfriend
So then I won�t be so lonely
The boyfriend-free factor is so high
How many boyfriends are paired up with a girl?
You can�t tell how many what the girlfriends are paired up or not
Which is the reason why I cannot approach women
All I want for Christmas is a pretty girlfriend
A pretty girlfriend
A pretty girlfriend
All I want for Christmas is a pretty girlfriend

phydeaux - 2009-05-30

I'll have a Virgin with Rage
4 oz Water
1 tsp Tabasco Sauce
3 dashes Lemon Juice
1 tsp "Special Sauce"

Nikon - 2009-08-06

Virgin with Rage
1 tsp Tabasco Sauce
3 dashes Lemon Juice
3 oz cranberry juice
3 oz grapefruit juice
2 oz peach nectar
2 oz vodka

Nikon - 2009-08-06


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