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Comment count is 19
gotterdamm - 2009-05-31

Did this genderless hambeast really think the kid was a 7 year old scab?
Wow. That's some grade A asshole right there.

Enjoy - 2009-05-31

The scab was a burn barrel.

gnpaaron - 2009-05-31

where unionism went wrong

baleen - 2009-05-31

I highly doubt this obviously disturbed person represents any union.

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-05-31

Stay classy, Windsor.

Lorenzo - 2009-06-01

This is my hometown! Keep this strike going so it looks even more like the miserable dump it is.

Casual Tea Party - 2009-05-31

That's infuriating

cognitivedissonance - 2009-05-31

The Big City Slider Station's success has its toll.

Cleaner82 - 2009-05-31

Normally I wouldn't advocate for the use of a sap, but that creature deserves to be knocked unconscious via a small leather pouch of birdshot.

lustygoat - 2009-05-31

or an exocet missile

Udderdude - 2009-05-31

This young girl has learned a valuable lesson early in life : Fat people are stupid and angry.

theSnake - 2009-05-31

Am I the only one that thought this was hilarious? That little girl learned something most of us don't figure out until we get out of college and get a job: people are stupid and horrible.

CornOnTheCabre - 2011-01-20

True, but it's simply unjust to reveal that to a child before they can legally drink.

mcsancherson - 2009-06-01

i dont get how this was so scarring for the little girl

William Burns - 2009-06-01

A giant, spherical beast straight out of Doom vomited filth at her feet and mocked her for cleaning up a park. This girl was assaulted by Captain Planet villian.

spikestoyiu - 2009-06-01

The day that you lose all hope and faith in humanity is generally a pretty miserable one.

BOOSH - 2009-06-01

Windsor: Canada's "classy" version of Detroit

kennydra - 2009-06-01

The shocking thing about this video is that the in-studio footage was apparently shot during time when cell phones took video. When it first started I thought I was watching an old clip from the 80's or early 90's.

Adham Nu'man - 2009-06-01


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