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Comment count is 4
RomancingTrain - 2009-05-31


baleen - 2009-05-31

Seriously how did Winston get that fucking job.
I mean, Venkemen has all the funny lines, Ray is the compassionate moderator guy, Egon is the nerd, Louis is the dolt.
All Winston ever does is ask things like, "Hey, what's that?"
"Really? What does that mean?"
"Ok, so now this is happening?"

He doesn't even have the decency to be sassy.

Kojack13 - 2009-05-31

5 stars for featuring the character the hostess of the party I went to last night was dressed up as (Janine). And yes, she was specifically Janine from "The Real Ghostbusters" cartoon, not the movie. Don't ask.

Bort - 2009-06-01

+3 stars for being moody and world-ending.

+1 star for JMS's writing strengths.

-1 star for JMS's writing weaknesses.

-1 star for hunchback who sounds like "The Monster Mash".

-1 star for "Ragnarok and Roll".

+1 star for every confirmed Frank Welker voice (Ray, Jeremy, Slimer, white cartoony ghost).

Still not as good as the one where Native American spirits of good and evil battled one another, and since their traditional battleground was now home to a minor league stadium, their battle took the form of a baseball game.

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