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Comment count is 12
gotterdamm - 2009-06-01

No Ron Gilbert?
No Tim Schafer?

Fuck that.

wart - 2009-06-01

Uh, check grumpygamer.com - Gilbert is completely cool with this project.

gotterdamm - 2009-06-01

Wart, Ron Gilbert is not on the dev team for this game.
Hence: "No Ron Gilbert"

This isn't very complex dogg.

blackmetallic - 2009-06-01

Ron Gilbert, Dave Grossman and Tim Schafer all have games coming out. If this was three years ago, I am sure Ron would not have been that "cool" with it. Its called Grumpy Gamer for a reason...

splatterbabble - 2009-06-01

Still looks worse than "The Curse of Monkey Island", which I believe to be the pinnacle of these games.

Meerkat - 2009-06-01

At least the music is good.

Merzbau - 2009-06-01

At least it sounds like they've got the original voice actor for Guybrush.

Adam O'Connell - 2009-06-01

Maybe its just me but I think it looks pretty sucky and I'm a big fan of the series.

chairsforcheap - 2009-06-01

it looks fucking awful

Lindner - 2009-06-01

I concur. What the fuck, guys? This is the trailer! Either Lucasarts doesn't know that you put 70% of your best material into it, or this IS 70% of the best material.

... they fucking jarjared it.

Adham Nu'man - 2009-06-02


Fuck, the graphics of the old games looked much better (artistically, not technically, of course) than this crap.

CornOnTheCabre - 2009-06-02

sam & max taught me to be the opposite of excited for this sort of thing.

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